Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Virtual AT : Connecticut State Line to Pine Swamp Brook Shelter

" Beans...back again after an extended Labor Day (and beyond) break from the virtual trail...betcha thought I QUIT...didn'tcha???"

Found a great new twist on the powdered eggs adding dried peppers, dried onions, coarse cracked black pepper and some bacon jerky!


A lot like a bacon quiche without the crust!

We've made it to Connecticut! 

Only 52 miles of the AT pass through this state. We will be doing it virtually over 2 days.

Crossing 55 we will begin by climbing Ten Mile Hill.

A nice cozy 1,000 foot climb.

Take a break at the top to catch our breath...

Pass Ten Mile Shelter

And down to Ten Mile River

Across the Ned Anderson Memorial Bridge.

Hiking from Kent Connecticut to Ten Mile River

The morning started pretty briskly (mid-60's) but it is almost 72 degrees here in Connecticut with a good breeze.

Beautiful day for a hike!

Up Schaghticoke Mountain

 And suddenly another NY/Conn State Line Marker.

No..."Beans" is NOT LOST or going the wrong way, folks...the NY border just crossed our path again.

It's okay...I've got the MAP!

And if you look straight ahead you'll see Indian Rocks.

 Oh ye, of little faith.

Past the Mount Algo Shelter

and the Stewart Hollow Brook Shelter

By the Pine Knob Loop Trail

Which we are going to take because it is a beautiful day and we are making good time...

Pine Knob

and the view from the top

Pine Knob Trail

Past the Caesar Brook Campsites

And down West Cornwall Road to our destination for tonight...

Pine Swamp Brook Shelter

and privy

All the amenities of!

Tour of the Shelter

Settling in for the night...have a fire started, dinner on...and will catch you in the morning when we finish Connecticut!

