Saturday, August 31, 2019

Emma's Birthday...Loretta's Birthday...Our August "It's the Berries" Trip and More

Emma is now a teenager, too!

She and I, celebrating her 13th today with brunch at Almost Home...

And a morning at our local Farmer's Market...where we found Amish Beefsteak tomatoes as big as your fist, A cinnamon roll candle, fresh green beans, Amish cinnamon rolls with pecans and icing, and fresh melon.

Tonight she is having an Urban Camp Out with her Sis & friends. Big Tent..Campfire...S'mores and Dogs and no little brothers!!!

Off to Grandma Nancy's for the night.

James found his own playtoy...

And it is beautiful!

Can't wait to hear it plugged in.

Flame maple top and inlay all around.

So proud of him and The Crew for striking out on their own in Construction after years of working together for someone else.

Equal partners!

You guys will do great!

It has been a busy week!

Our (John and I) August Escape together to Shelbyville and Rushville.

A stop at The Grand.

Several fun new machines...and REAL LIVE DEALERS (for blackjack and poker) coming in January!

Sipping white wine/margarita track-side we caught several of the horse-races for the day.

I absolutely love the horse races!

Brunch at the Casino...and a stop by Shelby's where I now have an oh-so-sparkly bit that matches my other ring perfectly.

It is beautiful, John!!!

And the scent du nuit provided by him (and Party Lite Candles) of Mixed Berries. Obviously, we had to bring Raspberry Pastries back to our room to accompany it!

We've stayed here before...nice kitchen tub (may need a's huge and deep...also the perfect way to end a long day...I'm sleeping here...)..and a king bed full of cloud-soft fluffy pillows.

Remember "Just like Old Times" by Todd Snider

Coke Machine Glowing Through A Parking Lot
They Call It a Room with a View...

Well...this kitchen actually has a view.
Beautiful in the early morning sun!

The little bear (also brought by John) we have dubbed

RALPH- Our Adventure Bear

Who will be accompanying us on these treks from now on.

Thursday we were able to celebrate Loretta's 78th Birthday with her!

We took her to brunch and some shopping...brought gifts from us and her friends still here is Greencastle...and a small chocolate cake.

She had a wonderful time!

Oh...and while we were out shopping...I found THIS...

Quite possibly the best Halloween Decoration (for later) EVER!!!

I am seeing incorporating this into my Crazy Cat Lady Costume this October...having it on a small blanket on my lap stroking A heavy old bathrobe and rollers and face cream.

Of course, we had to screw with Sofi, first.

When she discovered it she hissed...and spat...and finally gave it a good whack or two.

But now, she seems to have made her peace.

"It's behind me...isn't it???"  

Sofi so happy we were home and loving on her...oh...and KFC Chicken.

(which she has come to expect...spoiled thing...)

Playing with us, as we dozed together, after the long drive back.

Then dozing a bit herself!

Sofi, face-rubbing and "marking" John well before he left.

I think sometimes she views him as her own personal toy she can play rough with...

"Yeah...he's BACK now...and he is MINE."

The only cat I know who actually has Resting Bitch Face.

She re-marks him every time he returns home.


The early part of the week punctuated by Sofi in Heat.

So- you wake up and she is rolling around and trilling and me-so-horny...and


(...very different for her because with the exception of Myself, John and my sister, Lisa, she is very standoffish and makes it clear she just TOLERATES pretty much everyone else...)

But NOT when she is in heat.

For 3 or 4 days she loves...everything...

The comes the morning when you reach over to love on her and it is just like flipping a switch...

"OH HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And she bites you...

Speaking of Cat in Heat...did anyone else catch this great shot by Reuters of Melania and Trudeau?

Seriously the only time my cat ever has that when she is in heat.

Be afraid very afraid!

We've been doing the Hurricane Watch with well as a few of my friends in Florida.

And three of the projection maps that have come out of it.

and this last one, which is probably more accurate.

As of today it looks like it has turned even more east though and Florida's coast may be out of the direct landfall.

Let's hope.

The G-7 was kind of a side-show.

With Boris Johnson and Donald Trump it was like a Dumb  and Dumber Reenactment.

 And sadly...they forgot to sit them at The Kids Table...

So, the adults in the room had to kind of talk around them (as they told Booger Jokes)

Macron did pull off a great

"Guess Who's Coming To Dinner"

By inviting IRAN.


And Trump did not attend the Climate Change talks

Using the excuse he had scheduling conflicts with India and Germany.

Even made more awkward when the photo shows both India (PM Modi) and Germany (Merkel) actively involved at the talks and Trump's empty chair.

OMG...he LIED.


Who saw that coming????

Not terribly surprising, and they probably got more work done than if he had been there. Face it...he would have had nothing intelligent to add to the  conversation.

(...we are working on coming up with a REAL president again...I swear we are...)

In other news we LOST Andrew Luck
(...who retired from The Colts at 29...)

and I saw THIS

Remember Microsoft's "Clippie" I have to get a box of paper clips and a bag of googly eyes. 

This Week's Movie was an old one (2014) that I had somehow missed...Chris suggested it.

A dystopian look at what is left of humanity and how they have managed to survive after a terribly bungled attempt at reversing global warming.

A perfect late in the picture role by Ed Harris.

A lot to take in/process and I am going to do a re-watch soon.

A lot of action. 

A lot of thought provoking scenes.

Excellent all around film.

If you missed it the first time around (like me) this is a must see.

This Week's Book

Which is less of a book about painting...and more a book about the artistic process...using any medium.

The challenge to "ART" daily...or at least often (regularly) and how if you don't you can get lost...and stop.

Its principles can be used toward many outlets of creativity in daily life.

Well worth the read.

Taking a rest now...and looking forward to Labor Day with Nicole!

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

More anon!