Friday, August 2, 2019

August...A Week's Downtime...Rejoining the Living...and The Democratic Debates:Detroit how the hell is it AUGUST already???

And food poisoning (and recovery) really sucks.

Although, the worst of it was over by Sunday...neither Sofi or I ate much of anything beyond crackers, Sprite, water, (nibbles of dry food) until Thursday night.

We are both thinner.

And I am still proceeding cautiously. 

Baked potatoes...mashed potatoes...soft cheese, more crackers...

It has been a week. 

Mostly sleeping.

(...although I did watched both nights of the DNC Presidential Debates...while enjoying Saltine crackers and Sprite...and remaining horizontal...)

I have a T-Bone Steak, Sauteed Morels,Asparagus, Corn on the Cob and Strawberry Ice Cream waiting patiently in the fridge to (hopefully) fix for Sunday.

Ya gotta have a plan.

Woke feeling almost human this a beautiful day!

It feels GOOD to feel good again.

I just don't bounce back so quickly anymore. 

Then looked around at the house...and the outside plants and borders...and the accumulated trash (...very little in the way of dishes that was a plus I guess..)


So I've administered Trash Bag Therapy...pulled on grubbies and battled the weeds and watered everything (and replanted a couple of things). Tidied the borders and maintenance has given me the go ahead to take as much of the remaining black mulch will be re-mulching them soon.

The Rosemary and Greek Oregano love the dry and the heat and are thriving despite a week's neglect.

"100 degrees...bring it on...bwahahaha..."

My Sweet Italian Basil is once again drooping forlornly

"Why do you HATE me?"

Trimmed the potatoes back which were plotting taking over the patio and had already blocked the arbor


Replanted more bush beans before Fall.

( I bread and deep fry them...they're still beans, dammit...)

The Roma Tomatoes were a waste of time and space. I won't be doing them again.

Sat out for a couple hours with Sofi just soaking in the beautiful day and listening to her chitter and chatter at the gnats and flies.

She finally saw a cicada...

" HELL with that!!!"  

Scared her right into the house.

The boys have been amazing since I have been sick. James bringing Sprite and Crackers. Chris bringing me KFC when I decided I could finally stomach to look at/eat food. Visiting...telling me tales of lock-picking...and helping me get the trash out. me...worn out from the burst of activity today...and settling in for the evening.

 "Did somebody say STEAK on Sunday? I distinctly heard steak."

So proud of Chris who is now (after completing the written and hands on Cisco exams)

The Cisco Kid

He is now Cisco Certified and will be doing an Internship soon!

No movie this week.

(...although I am soon to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood...)

The Book of The Week

Which, I am not finished with...yet...

But I can see how it can help me work around the blockage that has prevented me from STILL completing my new beautiful cozy just-how-I-want-it bedroom and stop the obvious psychological self-sabotaging.

And trash-bags. Lots of trash-bags!

Yes. I had planned to skip the debates this year...but since I was pretty much horizontal and a captive audience...


Night one was all Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders with a good sprinkle of Mayor Pete.

Everyone else could have pretty much phoned it in.

Tim Ryan and John Delaney walked away with third degree burns
after Elizabeth Warren and Sanders handed them their asses.

"I wrote the damned BILL."

Warren had her best night yet. 

Very much in control and a leader.

Mayor Pete had a very good night as well.

Williamson sounded a lot like Madeline Kahn, but she will be gone soon.

Night Two Line-up

Before elaborating on the second night...I have to mention how CNN Moderators tried to make both nights "entertainment" and a cage match atmosphere (...assumably for ratings...) instead of letting the debate showcase what each candidate stood for...

"Sir, she said in 1974 that your wife was fat and does that make you feel?"


"Maam, when did you make your husband stop beating you?"

And when the candidates refused to engage in this outrageous obvious baiting...

"...sorry...your time is over."

Every damned time.

They said it so much the first night...and the reaction from the would have thought they were all epileptic...

The second night wasn't a lot better.

Kamala Harris and Cory Booker shone brightly.

Joe Biden didn't do as well as many hoped.

Seriously...I felt a bit sad for him.

He seemed old and outdated...and attempting to ride on Obama's Accolades.

Although it was nice hearing the term


one more time...for old times sake...

Kamala was beastly even though she seemed a bit off her usual game.

Booker came off with the line of the night, when he said to Joe Biden

"You're dipping into the Koolaid and you don't even know the flavor."

(...and poor Joe was lost  "You got Koolaid? All they gave me was this lousy bottle of water..." )

And white people everywhere were looking at one another

"What CAN it mean???"

And nervously consulting Google.

Translation from the Urban Dictionary

[sic] What you say to dumb people that are getting in your bizness or messing with stuff they don't need to be messin' with. (thinking they know something when they don't.)

Bennett sounded exactly like Bill Murry from Stripes...which I found enormously entertaining. 

Yang...was...well Yang.

"I'm the smartest person on the stage...but will I be elected????????????? Nooooooooooo...oh, and it really doesn't matter, because climate change is going to kill all of you, anyway. So there's that."

I won't be surprised if we are soon down to

Mayor Pete
and maybe Cory Booker for a while longer.

More Anon...