Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Virtual AT: Pennsylvania State Line to Rocky Mountain Shelters

"Beans...back on the (virtual) trail"

It is a beautiful morning and we have crossed into the Pennsylvania Section of the Appalachian Trail..also known by thru-hikers as

"The Place Boots Go To Die"



The 229 miles ahead are rough hiking and covered with rocks. The further north...the rockier.

By now I am sure you are saying to yourself

"Well...isn't SHE just one big ole ray of sunshine, today???"

And, of course, the SOBO just laugh, shake their heads and say

"You ain't seen NOTHING yet!"

(okay...feeling fairly alarmed here) 

So on we go...

To Pen Mar and Buena Vista Roads.

Buena Vista

Past Mackie Run to Bailey Spring

Which is looking a lot less than spring-like after the excessive heat of the past week.

Past Deer Lick Shelters

and into Old Forge Park (Antietam Shelter)

Okay...this was definitely a huge DERPY moment for me.

Old Forge...yeah I'm thinking ironworks...forges...you know.

We are in Pennsylvania. 

Valley Forge.


Troops freezing in winter.

Where is history class when you actually NEED it???

Old Forge Park


 1000 steps hiking trail to the ruins.

Nifty Covered Bridge in the Park.

and a restored cabin...

Sure...it is kind of a tourist trap now...but hey...we are tourists...even if this is virtual...and we are currently 1067 miles in on the Trail now...so that makes us kind of trapped...lol!

The Knox Covered Bridge

Tour Valley Forge


Antietam Shelter

Across Rattlesnake Road 

Where we run across one of its ambassadors...

He and his scaly brethren are thick in this jumbled rocky terrain.

(...now aren't you glad this is virtual...)

Past the Tumbling Run Shelters

Which someone had helpfully labeled in this photo the snoring and non-snoring section.

Thus far Pennsylvania Shelters seem to be in twins...which is nice.

To Chimney Rocks

 Buzzard Peak

Hike to Chimney Rocks with Smell N Roses


(and some beautiful whitetail deer)

and at last Rocky Mountain Shelters

Where we will relax and end the day's hike.

 Mile 1075 on the AT.

Until the next time...

