Saturday, August 24, 2019

Zen Weekend

Saturday...and the house is filled with the scent of laundry drying and Strawberry Muffins baking.

Busy upcoming week, so this is the calm before the storm.

This week...manageable. 

Early week Summer Brunch at Almost Home with Chris and Don.

Chris had exciting news...having been contacted because of his 4.0 GPA to join an exclusive group/sect by the Dean...which was very neat! Also discussing he and Tina's upcoming honeymoon.

Don sharing the news of his soon-to-be hiking in Switzerland...proof that he is taking retirement very very seriously!

Promises to reconvene in Fall.

Coffee and chat mid-week with Diane and Brenda...and planning September's mall--ratting and brunch and shopping trek. Possibly Plainfield!

Rain off and on here...hoping for a few dry days soon so that I can bring the herbs in to dry. The patio garden now spent and will be replaced shortly by mums, pumpkins and faux vines on the arbor. The trappings of Fall.

With the days staying below 80's and the nights dipping into the low 60's I am already seeing the colors starting.  Preview of beauty to come.

September 1st...I will drag out the Fall Box and begin the transition.

Only weeks now until "Idgy and Rose's Fall Adventure" and plundering Avon and Hobby Lobby & Micheal's...Olive Garden and Birthday Tiramisu...and Principato & Peach Wine together.

Can't wait!

Sofi who is in the midst of her hopefully last heat of the year...who loves loves loves everybody (and thing) right now...and whose vocalizations leave no doubt that there was a Siamese in the woodpile.

And John's Gizmo...

"What do you MEAN you are leaving...again???"

"Oh..okay...not right now..."

Planning our August Escape...Casino Trip...and Loretta's 78th Birthday!

And Emma's Birthday coming up next week...finally a teenager!

Busy times ahead.

But for the next two days we relax...

Which is hard to do, since we have an ersatz POTUS who is pretty much INSANE and definitely in meltdown mode. From calling himself the King of the Jews and The Chosen One to Hereby ORDERING companies to cease business overseas

(Google it...I don't make this Shit up)

And now...since the stock market has taken, yet, another dump...this time 600 points.

And he is all

"Who ya gonna or yer lyin' eyes?"

You know you have hit the bottom when this guy

Eleven Day Scaramucci

in a desperate attempt to stay relevant literally begging Republicans to run someone against Trump in the Primaries.

To quote The Joker

"It would be funny...if it weren't so pathetic."

Six polls now have the Orange Mussolini below water at 36%...and I'm good with that.

My current campaign (since the upcoming slide into a all indicators...seems almost certain) is to give CREDIT where credit is due
and preemptively naming it

The Trump Recession

 (closely following the Obama Recovery)

before he tries to pin this on The Democrats...or Hillary...or Mexico...or Whatever.

(and mark my words, he will)

Also on Friday...speaking of WHATEVER...the world became just a little less evil with the demise of a Koch Brother.

One down....One to go.

"...and all your money won't another minute buy..."

 Just watching the shit-show...

We may need more popcorn.