Saturday, February 5, 2022

Groundhog's Day...SNOW...and Hibernation


Dragged again from his warm burrow, Phil retaliated by forecasting 6 more weeks of winter.

...not to be out-done...I also saw MY shadow...and predict 6 additional weeks of dieting...

It is cold here, this morning.

Like 6 degrees.


Huddled around the heat with hot chocolate, and listening to the whirrrr of snow blowers and the scrape of snow plows.

This would be why.

On Wednesday evening it started to rain...quickly changing to ice...then it snowed...and snowed...and snowed.

All day and night on Thursday.

We got a LOT of snow.

Everything was just CLOSED for a couple days.

"I'm STILL closed, Mom!"


"Yep...just snuggling into the drawer for a nap!"


Hibernation, fresh baked bread, warm creamy potato soup and thick quilts seem like the best option.

Did manage to see the most recent Ice Age film.

 It was "meh" 

To be honest...they have pretty much done Ice Age to death.

The really little ones (think 3-5) might enjoy this...but 6 and up are just going to be as underwhelmed as I was.

Hoping for a few good films this year...but this isn't one of them.

Do yourself a favor. 


Starting virtual Hong Kong on Monday!!

Till then...stay warm...