Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Summer Solstice...Dinosaur Dates...Sisters Day and More


 Summer has arrived!

And the overwhelming heat seems to have subsided here, for the moment.

Finally got the hummingbird feeders up and all of the summer stuff planted. The patio garden is shaping up.

 Our tiny spruce has branched out and become a little Christmas tree...amazing, since 4 years ago it was a straight six inch stick with needles and roots!

And we had our Dinosaur Date!

With hot, extremely buttered, popcorn and Coke...and OMG!!!!

I had read reviews (both good and bad) but this was...in my opinion...perfect!

Lots of teeth and edge of your seat moments...reuniting Claire and Owen...Ellie and Alan and Ian...Maise...The Redemption of Henry Wu...and the Karma of Dodson.

Even a cameo by the Barbasol Can from the very first JP.

Seamless CGI.

A tying up of loose ends and a wonderful way to bring closure to 30 years of JP/JW,

The scent of the adventure...everything in peach...candle, lotion, spray...and complimented by dinner and peach cobbler at O'Charley's.

We have the very BEST getaways! 

Up for breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

 By Saturday...my guy was off again.

...much to Gadget's dismay...

Through the hills of Kentucky with Eric and Melissa to see relatives...enjoy the 70

degree temps...experience The Mellow Mushroom Restaurant


 ...and catch a great car show!

And bring back raspberry doughnuts from one of the best family owned bakeries!!!

...mine is frozen until we are together again...soon!

Both of us plotting and planning Our Time for July.

John's consultation went as expected and he has a rather large mass in his left upper lobe...no biopsy yet...going to redo a CT scan in mid-July and compare the growth rate...we will know more then. He is still completely asymptomatic and feels good. 

...which is everything...

Charlcie leaving in 2 weeks for her daughter's, to live.

Diane, who has started dialysis, as they search for a donor kidney.

It is a lot.

I have had 3 bad "FRED" days in the last month...but there has been an inordinate amount of stress. I am attributing them to that. Otherwise, doing fine.

Enjoyed Sisters Day with Lisa and Tina on Saturday.

Made Taco Salads and ordered in ice cream...a lot of catch up and chat. We've already set our next for mid-July.

And saw this...

 Which I never knew existed (in an etsy shop) but now I must have...lol!

And the little Ukrainian pooch (Patron) who has been getting worldwide acclaim.

We have been getting worldwide attention this week, too.

But more in the WTH??? way. 

The SCOTUS seems to have lost its damned mind...expanded 2nd Amendment Rights...overturning Row vs Wade...both in the same week.

...obviously nobody thought THAT through...

Already Clarence Thomas is eyeballing SSM and Contraception.

...imagine his surprise when slavery is brought back...

Seriously...Supreme Court...you had ONE job.


And in less than one hour the 6th hearing of the January 6th Committee...tuning in aghast to see what was happening behind the scenes at the top.

If you aren't disgusted...well...you haven't been paying attention.

                       Vote Blue Across the Board in November!!!