Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Virtual China: Gansu- The Silk Road


This passageway is also known as The Hexi (Hu-shee) Corridor...and runs like an artery through the central length of Gansu.

It was the single most important trade route of Northwest China.


It also gives us our first glimpse of The Great Wall of China.


These 620 miles were fought over by the Qin, Han, Tang, Xia and Yuan Dynasties.

The Silk Road was a relatively flat plain that ran through the otherwise mountainous and inhospitable landscape and permitted trade from local areas as well as neighboring countries.

A ribbon linking oasis to oasis.

Drone over The Silk Road


History of The Silk Road

Virtual Tour (...the best...)

The Corridor by Rail

When we return we will take some time and explore The Great Wall.

Until then...