Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Virtual SA: The Atacama Desert- Chile

Brrr...here in the Indiana November chill...it is easy to whisk away to the virtual warmth of Chile's Atacama desert!

A 41,000 sq. mile strip of land West of the Andes Mountains.

The second driest desert in the World!




This desert is known for almost a total lack of precipitation. Not even one inch for the entire year.

The soil here has been compared to Mars.

Some parts are so arid that no plant/animal life can survive.

Closer to the ocean the fog provides enough moisture for both limited plant and animal life to thrive.

The edge-towns are sparsely populated.

There are several astronomical observatories here because of the high mountains, dry air, freedom from light pollution, and nearly non-existent cloud cover.



Chilean Skies


The Milky Way


One of the tourist events here is solar-car racing.

The First Solar Race


About 80 km from San Pedro is a unique valley whose bottom is filled with multiple active geysers...which we will have to see!!!

Until then...