Sunday, November 26, 2023

Happiness is....


 All my boys together, again!

A wonderful week of Thanksgiving,Lennon's Birthday, and a whirlwind of activities.


Most of the grands.....James and Jess...Kayleb and dinner out...seeing all the boys together at Chris and Tina's new place...making our Thanksgiving dinner...and lots and lots of leftover pie!

Loved the ultra-sound ornament! soon-to-be grand!

They are soooooooooooooooooooo happy...and have decided on a Winnie The Pooh nursery theme.

Must find a giant Winnie The Pooh stuffie.

James and Jess...Lennon...Chris and Tina...all healthy, happy and doing well.

It is all a Mother could ever want!

John spent Thanksgiving proper with Robert...then off to Ohio to visit with Eric and Melissa post-holiday.

Today is all about recovery.



We are watching the Colts Game...then the Kansas Game...and eating Thanksgiving leftovers...and that is about it.

All the house-stuff will still be here to do tomorrow.

Love...and so very thankful,

Carla and Finnegan