Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Basking...Painting and Strawberry Wine

And poured off ready for clarification.

The tiny yeast beasties working overtime on this batch.

(...I may have put a bit too much sugar in...smells strong...)

A little more than 2 cups of Strawberry Wine.

Actually had to chill it to stop fermentation last night...or we would have ended up with strawberry shine.

We will taste it Thursday.

I love the color!

The background table distorts it..actually quite pinkish!

Almost finished with my Guam Island Beach painting. Just needs detailing now...maybe Friday!

Loving this beautiful weather...basking on North Patio Beach nearly every day!

Between bouts of scrubbing.

You know what is great about scrubbing the horrible black scuff marks left behind by learning to use a manual wheelchair in a small space?

That after you spend hours doing it....you are sooooooooooooooooooooooo
careful never to scrape the walls ever again.

Still need to paint chips on door-facings.

A get-shit-done before Summer Arrives Week!

Catch you all, Saturday!

"Aren't you DONE yet??? I thought we were going back outside!!!!" ~Sofi