Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Book..Covid-19...And a Defect

Well...that is quite a few hours of MY life that I'll never get back.

Read in e-format, if I had actually paid the Sprawlmart price of 19.42 for this long...disjointed...ramble of a memoir badly in of a good editing...I would have returned it disgruntled after the first 3 chapters.

As it were, I slogged (albeit painfully) through the entire ordeal.

( it turns out both in  real time as it happened...then self-inflicted to see what all the hullabaloo was about...)

Amazon offers a summary on their it and save yourself some time and aggravation.

559 pages...with 105 being references/index.

And yes....he does portray Trump at time as a TODDLER and reveal that pretty much everyone around him including the dictators he likes to cozy up with...regards him as a laughing-stock, and someone easily manipulated with flattery...but don't fool yourself-

He also uses this missive to give the Tangerine Tyrant the benefit of the blame attack President Obama...and The Media...

Republican through and through.

Even though a common joke around The White House was that job security was

"Only one tweet away."

 by the Epilogue you are left with

1.  A huge sense of relief THAT is over.

2.  The feeling that this book was written more to showcase Bolton and his perceived achievements than any type of TELL ALL or reveal of Trump.

3.  Bolton (or his ghostwriter) cannot write and hold a reader's interest.

Trust me...I am more political than most...and it was a SLOG to get through.

There is no way even 1% of his base will finish the first three chapters.

And even a lot of the best of us will quit halfway through.

You have been warned.

Oh...and so were these people...

For that last 3 days the Covid-19 cases have increased in the US by 30,000-35,000 each and every day...

In Texas the hospitals are beginning to become overwhelmed.

In Florida there are now over 100,000 positive cases.

In California, today alone, there have been over 5,000 new cases reported.

As Dr. Fauci and Sanjay Gupta are saying now

"We have a real problem"

Coupled by the fact that Governors like Abbott (TX) and Desantis (FL) have been downplaying this for so long and letting their people free-range...that NOW that they do see it is a huge problem nobody will listen to them and are angry to be asked...god wear masks...stay distance...

With 9,5 million infected people worldwide...and a half a million dead.

And almost 2.5 million of those in the US...and nearly 125,000 dead.

(...we are #1...)

Yesterday the hotspots included

California with 6,503 new infections.

Texas with 5,703 new infections

 Georgia with 1,700 new infections

Arizona with 3,593 new infections

And Louisiana with 1,474 new infections.

This new surge from the re-openings...wait a week or so until the protests, riots and rallies start showing up...

Which brings  me to the last bit of my rant here...

 Just like Trump moved on from his first and second his third...he is so DONE with all this Covid Business...

(...although The Rona is far  from done with us...)

And he has resumed his rallies.


Always the hype-man, he had predicted 100,000 or more in Tulsa.

They had an outside stage and overflow area gated off as the stadium only holds 19,000.

Yeah...they needn't have bothered.

Okay...KPOP did troll them a bit with thousands of requests for tickets that they had no intention of using...

But still by the time of the rally they had a headcount of 6200 people including their own staffers.

8 of whom would test positive for Covid.

6 before the rally and 2 more the next day.

(...rallygoers were made to sign a waiver holding Trump and the BOK Arena harmless if anyone caught The Rona...) 

They crowded them around the stage and did tight camera shots to give the impression of a crowd.

But a pan out showed how anemic the attendance truly was.

The maskless vastly outnumbered the masked...including our Orange Grand Pooba, himself.

The outdoor overflow area was immediately dismantled as was the stage.

The rally itself a rambling, hate-filled, at times openly racist thing...but overall low energy and video later of even staunch supporters scrolling through their phones...looking bored...yawning.

And later caught on camera when he returned from the rally...disheveled and make-up smeared...tie undone..utterly alone...

 Even the helicopter pilot looked sad for him.

As I watched him shamble toward the White House obviously sad...upset...the first time I had ever seen him looking dejected and defeated I actually found a moment of empathy for this badly broken human being.

(...I know, right???)

 Today he had a second rally (...not hyped...) rally at a church in

Once again...most of his supporters (and he)  maskless.


After crunching the numbers

My prediction by the end of July (here in the states)

Over 3 million infected and 150,000+ dead.

Wear your damned masks.

Wash your hands.

Social Distance.

We're in the middle of a plague!