Friday, June 5, 2020

Virtual Islands: Tuamotu

Okay, Lovegrove is completely forgiven.

What a wonderful place to end our Island Adventures!

The French Polynesian.

80 degree weather...sugar white beaches...rum drinks and black Tahitian pearls.

Not sure it gets much better than this!

The island group is a semi-autonomous holding of overseas France.

The main economy tourism and Black Pearls...which are farmed here.

Formed by the black-lipped oyster naturally in the French Polynesia.

Not only are the saltwater pearl sizes much bigger...but the shells are so large that farmers who seed these can seed 4 or 5 pearls in one shell.

Although they are called black pearls...they can vary from silvery dove grey to jet black with beautiful iridescent overlay

 and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Before we sprawl on a beach with an umbrella drink...let's tour one of the pearl farms!

Pearl Farming


At last, to become Tahitian Pearl Jewelry...known worldwide!

Now about that drink!

I hope you have enjoyed
The 20 Islands

Until our next
Virtual Adventure!