Sunday, May 16, 2021

Aiden is 7...Sister's Day...and a Zen Weekend

 "You eat all the time!"
I mutter to my calico Manx, who has revisited that dry food dish for the 4th time as though something may have spawned there since her last visit.

Of course, I am saying this around a random forkful of leftover chicken salad from yesterday's brunch.

She is not impressed.

With Covid restrictions slowly lifting now, I have either got to stop the mindless eating...or buy bigger jeans.

Busy week...finally celebrating Aiden's 7th Birthday here.

With Chris and Aunt Tina, too!

And now that we have all been vaccinated...resuming Sister's Day...after way too long apart.

Complete with Happy Birthday to US!

...yeah...we are all carrying the extra 20 Covid what is one more cupcake, eh?

Actually, brunch looked like this.

The chicken salad recipe a favorite from Almost Home with red grapes and pecans added.

It was great to be back together...we painted and caught up and planned our
Sister's Day for next month.  A homemade cookie exchange with tea.

To get a real feel for how long it had been...Tina grew this gourd in her garden...dried it...cleaned it out and painted it as a birdhouse for me...last year.


Great news on the Covid-front...where we have noted a drop of 25% in new cased this week alone.

Although the transit...and all public transportation is continuing mask protocol...the CDC has now said that people who have had both shots are protected and can neither build up enough viral load to get sick or pass Covid to others.

They say that we are safe unmasked outdoors and in.

Individual businesses and masking protocol still applies.

Went out for the first time in nearly a year...maskless.

To be honest...not only did it feel felt too soon.

I will be wearing mine a little longer.

Just enjoying a laid back Zen Sunday, today.  73 and sunny...played in the plants a bit...and basked on NPB with a novel.  I am now sun-kissed.

The Patio Garden and Borders are starting to take hold...glad the cold is gone. Gave the Boxwoods badly needed trimmings, and they are spherical again...more or less.

My purple irises are up and bloomed and I've brought a bouquet inside. So the living room smells a lot like grape Kool-aide, now.

The roses are budded...also noted the sawflies are to get Rose Spray before they skeletonize the leaves again.

The Hostas are up...but lost my Mouse Ears over the winter. Just going to replace it with the hardier Blue Angel and call it a day.

The catnip has now reseeded itself over two pots and is up about 3 inches.

The Ostrich Ferns have started but are pretty sparse...not sure I am keeping them.

Did some sprigging today with my variegated Ivy.

Came in for a nice 2 hour nap with the Sofi-Cat...the very best thing about retirement...the naps!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend...