Sunday, May 23, 2021

Cobra Kitty...Shopping and Brunch with Brenda...and Bees!


John sent me this shot of our Gadget this week.

She is fearless.

Even when there is a ginormous cobra on TV.


"I can't SMELL it , Mom...something isn't right."  


Busy week...getting ready for our trip next week...and finally some outside NPB weather and playing in the plants. So beautiful out!

Sofi may not share my enthusiasm after her close encounter with a bee yesterday.

In short, she ended up stung...limping and today her pad is still warm and puffy.

Thank goodness she didn't get stung on her nose or in her mouth.

She will be fine.

But probably more wary outside now.

Brenda and I spent the day, Wednesday, checking out a new shoppe here in Greencastle that has a bit of everything (including fabulous clothes and lingerie)...and enjoying an Italian Brunch out. 

Planning a spa-day before long.


The spriggings of Ivy have taken hold and are soon to be climbing the trellis...and I have faux vines to fill in bare spots until the real ones take over.

And the bees?

My youngest sister, Tina, came home to find the front corner of her farmhouse covered with a swarm of bees. Before they settled in and became too comfortable...she called a local beekeeper who brought a bee-box to trap and relocate them.

When a ball of bees formed outside the trap it became obvious that the queen was now inside...and eventually the swarm was captured and moved to a hive.

Cinderella Day Hoping to get done and enjoy a bit of this beautiful 80 degree sunshiny day!

Have a great weekend!