Sunday, December 22, 2013

The "War on Christmas" Cup

(and other fallacies) 


It is Beginning to look a LOT like Christmas...or is it?  

Frankly, I am sick and tired of the in-your-face "Let's keep CHRIST in Christmas" and "JESUS is the reason for The Season" or "I am saying Merry Christmas...not Happy Holidays...Repost if you AGREE" crap splattered all over social media this month.

To be fair...I am equally sick of the "Nobody needs Christ" and "Remove Christ from X-Mas" and rude insensitive remarks about people's invisible "sky-buddies".

Seriously, people?

I am beginning to think that Peace on Earth is going to require a lot of duct tape.

With fanatics on both Christian and Atheist sides hurling insults back and forth...creating the WAR and fanning the fames. And don't EVEN get me started about the whole Duck Dynasty Redneck Poser Wannabe...okay?

Foremost, I have nearly 54 years...heard anyone (social media excepted) wish someone a Merry Christmas and hear ANYTHING negative in return. EVER. The most common response I have seen is a smile and a Merry Christmas back. Even if the recipient of the greeting happens to be a non-christian. If it is a WAR it must be terribly ineffectual.
And by-the-way...Happy Holidays is derived from Holy Days..and there is always"Festivus...for the Rest of Us" I don't see the reason for the manufactured outrage.

And being a Christian doesn't mean you have the right to glomp on to the entire month of December either and belittle others who don't celebrate "...the birth of baby Jesus..." and while I am at it...Bodhi...Sinter Klaas...Evergreens and Yule...Saturnalia...Kwannza and the Solstice all play their part in the Reason for the Season, too. (and as my friends Barbara and Linda reminded me...Axial Tilt remains the biggest Reason for the girls)

 And being an Atheist doesn't have to be synonymous with asshat either.  Being a non-believer doesn't mean you wander around swaggering with some sort of intellectual smugness and belittling everyone else's beliefs. And if someone wishes you a Merry Christmas, and be decent about it.
It doesn't detract from your belief (or non-belief) system one iota.

In fact both of the Christ signs above seemed rude, presumptuous and offensive.

Bottom line...instead of walking around like human "I find that offensive"  detectors...maybe we should take a deep breath and be happy that someone...anyone took the time out of their busy day (life) to be thoughtful enough to greet or "wish us" anything at all...

Happy let's go play nice...shall we?

Peace on Earth starts with us.