Sunday, October 16, 2016

Happiness is a Drive-By Grand-Daughter-ing...Breakfast with Chris and Casting a Jaded Eye at The NEWS

We had to reschedule The Orchard until next Sunday, but James did manage to do a quick drive-by with Hannah, Kaylee and Jazzie which was very nice. They brought me their new school pictures and a couple of cards they had made by hand!

Tanya has agreed to let them join us for Sunday's trek for pumpkins next it's all good!

They're getting so big!

Chris popped by this morning to help me get some last minute things done before my company arrives, and have  Sunday Biscuits and Gravy...and that last minute eye-rolling discussion of politics and the news, of course.

As I said before, I Early I am done with this horror-show until they announce the election returns...having said that


This morning an eye-rolling Clinton laughing at Trump because he had the audacity to suggest that the Media is playing favorites now.  Just exactly the way she eye-rolled at Bernie Sanders when we suggested it turns out that was EXACTLY what was happening. We ALL knew it...but it took Wiki-leaks to confirm that the deck was, indeed, being stacked.

(note: I absolutely did not vote for Trump or Clinton)

Since the Trump people say I am just handing it to Clinton...and the Clinton people say I am just handing it to Trump...obviously that cancels each other if one of them end up your President...don't blame ME. I am just watching the freak-show that is Election 2016, now.

The number of women who have now stepped forward to say they were victimized by Trump now is astronomical. Were they? No idea. He is rude. Crude. A Neanderthal, to be sure. But I have to wonder how much of this is bandwagon and my-15-minutes stuff.

I can say that Mr. Rogers touched me inappropriately back when I was on his show. But that doesn't make it true. In fact, if it was fact checked it would immediately be noted that I was NEVER on Mr, Rogers Show.

Similarly, one of the women who recently came forward said her airline groping happened on a 707. She was very specific about the flight and the plane. Except for the inconvenient fact that the year she specified not only did the flight not exist...but the 707 had not been released yet. 

Damned fact-checkers, anyway.

CNN headlines this morning discussed Hillary's Wiki-Leaks and say that it may be The Russians hacking her to manipulate our elections

(cue ominous music)

You guys know The Cold War is over, right???

And the laugh out loud part was when they queried

"Maybe PUTIN is afraid of Hillary"

Yeah.  RIGHT.

 This guy. Ex-KGB. I can't seem to find a shirt- afraid of

 Ms. Pantsuit Bobble-Head?????
(Chris' Moniker for her...I kind of like it!) 

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaase.  Seriously?

You know all the talk about how Hillary can make people disappear? Well in Russia for a long time, Vlad actually did just that.

 It was his job.

I am still find it more than a little odd that they are so worried about finding WHO hacked Hillary that they are some of the shady shit that is being exposed.

But hey...that's none of my business...right?

So, pass the is going to be a long, long, long 23 days...