Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Novel The Plan: Thoughts-Tracy

I have look't at the phone he gave me about a hun'drit times over the las' few weeks. Hoping like hell he would call.

He promis't he'd call.

Jus' when  I thout he probably had forgot'n all about me. Thout may'be it was all this big jok' on me. Stu'pd Tracy.

But then he call't.

Jus hearin' his voice made it okay.

It's hard to unnerstan' what he sees in me. I'm not real smart like mos' of the folks he knows. Not book smart.

I'm not even so pretty anymor'
Don' have my figger anymor' either.

But he call't. 

Says he's been thinkin' of me 

A lot.

Says he cain't wait to see me.

Dad is gonna keep the keds ovr t'night. He loves them. Gonna help Mark get his life set up there an I'm gonna tell him that Mark can see them whenever he wants.

I've bin such a shit wife. 

Such a shit mom.

Maybe the doc can help me get my life to'gther

 I'd like that.

He seems so lonely mos'times. Livin' way out there all by hisself. And aftr what happ'n to his wife and all.  I thin' I muss r'mind him of her.

I thin' he mus' have loved her alot.

May'b I coud be good for som'thin. 

May'be I coud make him happy. 

May'be I do make him happy.

I foun' a real nice dress down tah town. Not all slutty like either. Got my hair and nails done, too. 

He makes me feel pret'y.

Suppos' tah meet him by the fork in the road and follow him back to his cabin.

I even am wearin' the necklace he gave me.

May'be it isn' ever too late to change your life.

May'be this coud be the beginin' of a new lif'


Migh't be one of the bes' things tha ever happen tah me. 

Momma wuz wrong. 
Fallin' in love is a nice feelin'.