Sunday, December 30, 2018

A MONTH of Christmas...

Started Christmas with Loretta and Amber on December between enjoyed it with Sisters Day and Lisa, Tina, Stacia and Serena, John, Diane and Judy, and ended it this weekend with the kids and grands (both human and puppy) feels a little like this!

Wonderful month, though. 

And loved sharing the last weekend of it with

Chris, Tina, Bennie and Neville (my grandpuppies)

Even if Sofi did trash talk from her crate during their visit.


James, Nicole, Aiden, Brenden and Emma

Oh...and apparently ELVES are REAL!

Santa Aiden!

Who knew???

So, thanks everyone for the chocolates and cookies and brownies and brunches and kitchen appliances, gift cards and accompaniments and candles and yes...even more chocolates and "bacon jerky" and cards, boxes and bags...but mostly than you (all) for the hugs...and love...and most of all the time shared together!  

There is nothing more important than Family & Friends (and the cats of course)! 

Will enjoy the peace and quiet and tiny white lights (and my Christmas Village)
until the first...and then it is time to undeck the halls and stow the whole bit until next December.

Finally, after all these years, took the time to watch Die Hard...and it is true

Die Hard may be the Ultimate Christmas Movie!

Abbey from Texas sent me this

The Natkatomi Tower entirely made of Gingerbread.

I found this ornament.

and realize now it is true

The Book this Week by Michael Caine

70 years of wit and living. Good life advice and a lot of laughs, as well.

Definitely one you will want to read...and a perfect book to end my year on. 

The Movie

Worth every moment of the hype!

Great love story...plenty of action...lots of humor...great CGI effects...strong sexy female lead...oh...and one of cinema's hottest leading men. What's not to love?

If you haven't seen it must!

Only giving the Trump Circus a cursory glance this week...the government is STILL shutdown...Trump is still blustering...because he doesn't quite get it-

As soon as the House is seated on the 3rd and Pelosi becomes Speaker of the House...his life is about to get much much more complicated.

So let him enjoy his little temper tantrum for a few more days...because it may be the last enjoyment he has for a long long time. 

For the rest of is time to roll up our sleeves and FIX this mess!

More Anon!

I found this absolutely brilliant!

And tonight the Colts play the Titans in a MUST WIN game in order to stay in the playoffs.

Dearest mother — All of our hard work and dedication to one another as a unit has led us to this point. We march to the Ten Sea to battle Titans once more. Should we achieve victory, our campaign shall gloriously expand. Inform the cows my resolve is strong. I love you. — Andrew

Dearest mother — I have received your care package of salted raccoon thighs and zesty gopher wrists. We continue our march to the Ten Sea. It’s been decided that we shall battle at night in the hopes of being the most tactically sound. The men are anxious, but confident. — Andrew

Colt scouts spotted Gen. Vrabel and his Titan company preparing their defenses. They will not allow any honky tonk to distract from stifling your campaign. All eyes will be upon the battlefield overmorrow when you lead the assault on Fort Nissan. — SNF

Dearest mother — Tonight is our most important battle yet of this campaign. I know not the outcome, but our unit is as prepared as possible for a clash under the shimmering stars. The Ten Sea will be alive with excitement. The Titans will have their hands full. — Andrew

Popcorn at the ready!!!



WE won we won we won we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We're headed to the PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!