Saturday, December 1, 2018

This Week...December...Birthdays and More

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...everywhere you go!

J.Evelyn's my favorite chocolate shop.

"Idgy's" Shoppe

Almost Home

Where Diane and I celebrated her birthday this week!

With Strawberry Pizza and Shopping.

"Idgy's" Birthday is tomorrow...and though we will be having virtual coffee (and maybe cake) will be Spring before we can do our Birthday Celebration together. We still need a theme for next year!

Beginning my "Decking of the Halls" here today.

Tried to find the red shiny plain balls for my tree...and it has been amazing...everyone has an assortment (shapes, matte and glitter, et al) but I have not found a single package of plain red shiny plastic Christmas balls...I know, right??????????????


May modify my theme to Bears, Burlap and Blue.

The best laid plans, eh?

The pie is Thanksgiving is officially over. And I don't think I want anything pumpkin-flavored until NEXT November.

 But...there will be Eggnog as I put up the tree!

Christopher Titus gave us an early Christmas with his late November release of

Which he released on Thanksgiving purposely (he said)

"...hoping to make you pass pumpkin pie through your nose..."

I haven't seen it  yet...but intend to shortly.

The Colts have won 5 in a row!!!

Dearest mother — I write you so full of joy, I might burst. Our unit secured yet another victory. That makes five straight, or an entire hand. The Dolphin men put up a great fight, but our aquatic drilling paid dividends. Our trusted sniper capped the win. I am beaming. — Andrew

Dearest mother — Our victory frivolities have concluded as we must get back to the campaign. The Jungle Cat men once more seek battle. There is confusion as to who is their captain. This may aid us in another victory. Our unit shall climb trees, among drills, to ready. — Andrew

Dearest mother — I have received your care package of sugared beaver tail and cured badger shins. We continue our march to face the Jungle Cat men once more. My sidearm continues to be true, the Squirrel Oil being a tremendous benefit. Please inform the cows I am well. — Andrew

Tomorrow (at one) we will take on The Jaguars once again! 

GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will miss this game.

Amber and I are headed out early to take Loretta to a very early Christmas Brunch...bring her presents and take her with us for a bit of shopping!

She is excited. 

She has been helping Deck the Halls...enjoying a round of carolers...and is learning to use the transit system, there. She and Betty (her new room-mate and friend) took the transit to the nearby Pizza King for Brunch solo this week. She was so pleased with herself!

Nicki and Aiden stopped by this week.

This is Sofi's
"You know I am tolerating this because he is small...but later I'm going to shred something you love"
 He is super excited. As soon as Christmas Break is over in January...he is starting pre-school!!!!!

Lots of cool news this week.

They finally landed a mechanical explorer/rover on Mars.

The best part was the video of the moments just before and directly after...and seeing all the people behind this successful mission when they realized they had done it!

followed quickly by the
Rover taking a SELFIE.

Which was pretty cool, too.

The memes have been the best, though...

And my personal favorite...

It HAD to be done, you know...

Also, this week, we got a reminder how a properly set table is done.

"So...where do the Red Solo Cups go...???"

"I don't have the salad plates...but I think we have enough matching Cool Whip bowls, okay."

"Who even owns this much silverware???"

If I ever set a table this perfectly...I wouldn't let anyone touch or eat off it, just get to LOOK at it, okay?

Also...we learned that Wombat Poop is in the shape of cubes.

So there is something else you know now.

Who says the INTERNET can't be educational?

and I learned that no matter how cool you will never be as cool as James' Pocket Bully (Gus) in a Bomber Jacket with Mirrored Shades.


This Week's Movie was

Since I grew up with the Original Release, and loved it, I was hesitant- but...oh wow.

What a great film. 

Some fleshing out of what made Grinch so Grinchy...and not the James Carey version.

A few liberties with the original story and brought into the 21st Century nicely.

Kids will love this...and so will their adults.

A Must-See.

This Week's Book:

Paige's debut novel.

Her writing is the dry, British, explain every last detail...okay.
If you enjoy that kind of detail (...and I do..) you will love this book.

If you do will be happier to keep browsing.

Interesting debut novel.

Equally interesting is the turn that was THIS WEEK in the Mueller Investigation.

And, honestly, we've needed this.

The shit has absolutely hit the fan.

Trying to follow all the players, myself.

And there are a fuckload of players.

Papadopoulos started his 14 days HARD TIME this week...which gives you a bit of insight into how much his testimony was worth to get THAT kind of plea bargain.

Manafort admitted to lying under oath (AGAIN) after his plea bargain...and funneling information to Trump re: The On-Going Investigation. So yeah...not only does he get his plea bargain revoked...and have additional charges. He has managed to piss off Mueller.

I'm seeing the rest of his natural life in a Federal Prison.

Michael "I'll take a bullet for you" Cohen decided to come clean, too. Admitting he has been lying...withholding pertinent information...but NOT anymore...

He has spent 70 hours babbling like a French Whore to the Special Counsel.

Admittedly, I am no LAWYER...but when your FIXER...the guy who knows where are the bodies are figuratively buried...spends 70 hours with Bob Mueller...this cannot be a good thing.

And Trump knows the walls are closing in. His behavior and his tweets increasingly random and chaotic.

Okay...more random and chaotic.

From The Witchhunt, as he calls calling Cohen "Weak" and even one about climate change...

He is at the G-20 now in Argentina.

Where another of these photos has emerged.

I saw the actual video of this...where Trump sat alone...patting his own arm repeatedly in a kind of comfort gesture.

And as much as I dislike him...I have to admit to a feeling of sadness and a bit of empathy for him.

His is a horribly broken...socially inept...miserable human being.

I don't think this POTUS gig is anything like he thought it would be and he will probably be nearly as happy as the rest of us when it ends.

We, also, lost George H.W. Bush today at 94.

Passing only seven months after the loss of his wife, Barbara.

Leaving us with only 5 living Presidents.

George had the distinction of being the Last Republican I ever voted for...and probably will ever again. 

Although, I didn't always agree with his politics he was an intelligent man who always placed country over political party.

A return to that kind of thinking and action is what this country needs to heal.


More Anon...

Sofi sat for two hours watching the first snowfall.

My kitten may be a bit Special

Just sayin'