Monday, December 31, 2018

Ringing out the OLD...

And at MIDNIGHT this year will be done.

"Idgy" and I (and John) already ringing in the New (Virtually) to the drone of bagpipers and sounds of revelry outside Temple Bar in Dublin, Ireland.

(screenshot from Earthcam live)

As the midnight hour approached there (7 PM here) a lone bagpiper stepped out the door and the New Year greeted by the playing of the pipes.

Later I found a video on Youtube as to the revelry inside the bar.

Which was actually kind of surreal when I realized what the crowd was singing. Laughed out loud!

Despite my ongoing complaints regarding Trump a fairly good year overall.

Filled with art, learning and adventure, a year-long virtual trek to Australia, Family and Friends, Shelby and Sofi, love and much happiness!

Life is Good!

Here is looking forward to a wonderful, ZEN 2019

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