Saturday, February 2, 2019

February...Groundhog's Day...Pre-Superbowl Pontification & More

The deep freeze appears to be over...and is being followed by The Big Thaw.
Looking for mid to high 50's tomorrow and Monday!!!
Most of our snow is already gone.

Today is Groundhog's Day 

"I told you what you wanted to put me the fuck down!!!"

Puxatawney Phil predicting an early Spring!

Wouldn't THAT be nice.

The Polar Vortex has taken me from

to my Seasonal Cry of

"I Could be Living on a Beach Somewhere"

in record time.


Woke to this

On the front page of my Hoosier Topics this week!

So proud of you, Emma.

And love Nicole and Emma's new picture toegther.

You're both beautiful!

Preparing for tomorrow's Superbowl with John...running over the lists. Food to prepare...what to bring.

As well as planning breakfast before we start out.

This year's Superbowl Contenders

Face it...neither His (The Colts)
or Mine (The Saints)
or even OURS  (The Chiefs)

made it this year.

So we are stuck with

A Rams-Patriots Game

The Rams had a 13-3 Season (and spent quite a bit of it undefeated)

The Patriots had an 11-5 Season (although speculation that Brady was slowing down was proven false by his bringing the team once again to The Superbowl...if by now we've learned anything- it is that Brady does his best work under pressure.)

Some are billing this as a contest between The Young and The Old. (...I prefer the term seasoned...)

Geoff is 24 and this is his first Superbowl.

Brady is 41 and this will be his 9th (having won 5)

It looks like it is going to be a great match-up and a better than average game!

Although we are ALL seemingly suffering from

Pats in The Superbowl Burnout


The Rams beat my Saints...and one bad call put them here
I'm going to have to cheer on The Patriots this year.

Various oddsmakers predicting 12 out of 19 for another Patriots win.

We'll see.

My post-game prattle on Tuesday.

Finishing up some baking...then settling in to watch The Replacements
( pre-game ritual..)

Have a great weekend...and see you after the game!