Monday, February 11, 2019

Life List #5: (Virtual) Rabbit Island

Imagine this.

Now multiply is by several hundred, and you have an idea of what Okunoshima
(Rabbit Island) is like.

Accessible by ferry, the island is off the coast in the Sea of Japan.

In addition to the feral but friendly bunnies...there are also trails...campsites and historical places of interest on the island.

During WWII Japan built inner island factories to produce and test poisonous gas.

After the end of the war the factories and buildings left for ruins.

There is speculation that some of the rabbits used for testing were set loose at that time.

In the 1960's several additional bunnies were let loose on the island.
Why? I have no idea. Why did anyone do many of the things that occurred in the 60's? 

Because we could.

And rabbits doing what rabbits do best...with no natural predators on the island to keep their numbers in  check...the population boomed.

Rabbit Island is now teeming with bunnies...and is a thriving tourist attraction.

Dogs are not allowed here.

 Visitors expect to be mobbed by the hopping masses and are not disappointed.

 The rabbits expectations are low,
and they are happy with alfalfa pellets and pats.


And because one journey often leads to others...I have learned that Japan also has a Fox Island and a Cat Island...which we will explore this week!

 More Anon...