Saturday, February 23, 2019

This Week...

Sofi and Shel after a game of Kitty Tag.

Having a lot of difficulty dealing with it all this week. After a particularly rough
"exploding cabbit" on  Monday I made the mistake of being completely overwhelmed and calling the kids.

(...she is a special needs kitty...but then with FRED, I guess I am a special needs human these days...)

Long story  beautiful baby is now at their house.

And I'm not sure if they will ever bring her back home.

It feels like losing my child.

The hardest part is Shelby wandering around the house still looking for her. And although she was admittedly a huge challenge...she was my baby.


It is impossible to
make them understand
that amidst the challenge once a week 
there was the day to day joy
she brought to my life.

Brought to our home.

Every day playing with Shelby...creating new games. Tag or Hide and Seek. Just like kids. They had finally really buddied up.
 Her endless game with me of FETCH.

(...the first morning she was gone I found her ring (hair tie) where she has laid it on the table...which she did to get me to play...and completely lost it...)

The afternoon nap that we all took in a snuggly heap every day. She situated at the curve of my hip and Shelby laying at my side or on my chest, Them purring me (and themselves) to sleep...and waking up to tiny pads and giving them ear rubs...which they both loved.

Evenings watching a movie or catching up on the computer and her curling like a cinnamon roll beside me by the keyboard...having found the exhaust vent when she was tiny...and claiming it as her own.

We had almost 7 months together.

I have cried so hard it has been hard to breath...I have begged...I have the end we had all exchanged horrible words and nothing will ever be the same between us.

It all falls on deaf ears.

They know what is best, they say.
For her. And me.

And she becomes just one more cat for them.
Amidst the cats and dogs and kids.
And I have lost my baby.

It is my fault...losing her.

I should never have called.


The rest of the week has been pretty much a blur.

More Anon...