Friday, July 5, 2019

Grandma Rose Days...Beach Hair...4th of July and More


This year is zooming by...

The patio garden enters its sixth week.

The leaf lettuce now used...and the bolted remainers composted, and White Cloud Petunias taking its place.

The green onion chives ready to cut and dry.

Tiny Romas growing on the vines, and potatoes filling the basket on their roots.

I've replanted the beans. 

Using off the rest of my herbs daily.


 Many beautiful basking days on NPB...and a product placement this morning from "Idgy"

And YES...I have to try this.

Loving the new haircut...and am especially please that now that the long weight isn't pulling it out...some of the natural wave/curl is appearing again. 

Scheduling my 1:1 Summer Days with the Grands.

Brenden and I had ours on Tuesday with a "Your Choice" Afternoon.

He chose McDonald's for lunch.

A kit to work on together.

And some indoor and outdoor time.

Hoping he is going to play soccer again this year!

Making plans for Kaylee's 1:1 Day soon. She turns 14 next week!

Indulged in (maybe) too much Holiday Food yesterday...made Pulled Pork and Baked Beans...Corn on the Cob and Potato Chips...and Watermelon.

Enjoyed a visit and chat with Chris (...Politics R Us...) and a "Happy Blow Shit Up" Call with Lennon. James and Nicole took the Grands to the park for their 4th of July Extravaganza and Fireworks.

Watched Fireworks until way-too-late, myself.

( an aside...Sofi was completely unfazed by them...and John sent a picture of Giz also curled up asleep as they went off near his house...)

 No trauma here or there.

The puppies are just getting cuter and cuter...if that is even possible.



 This Week's Book

An account of Bryson's ersatz hike of the Appalachian Trail with his friend Katz.

I was already trepidatious about this book because, to be completely fair, I don't care much for his style of writing. He tends to be whiny...dramatic...and much less funny than he envisions himself to be. 

Since I am doing the AT virtually...I picked up several books based from thru-hikers...and this one, of course.

True to was whiny...over-dramatized and unfunny. I don't recommend it unless you already like Bryson's style. 

Unsurprisingly...the bumbling duo never actually finish the fact they end up even skipping through large sections of section hiking.

The best thing about this book is when you reach the last page...because you are done...and will NEVER have to read it again.

This Week's Film


A great sequel...the continuation of the romance between Bo Peep and Woody.

Great new characters including Gabby Gabby...a Daredevil Motorcyclist voiced by Keanu Reeves...Creepy Ventriloquist Evil Dolls...and the Spork everyone loves to love "FORKY"

After seeing the film...Tina's niece, Emma...actually made her very own!

Fun film for kids and adults alike.

Settling in, now, for a relaxing 3 day weekend!

More Anon...