Thursday, July 18, 2019

Virtual AT: Blackhorse Gap Shelter to Ashby Gap

"Good Morning!"

After a solid night's sleep we head back on the trail (virtually) from Black Horse Gap Shelter where we got to see firsthand the aftermath of a black bear and the remains of a Ursack (bear bag) it had reached during the night.

Demonstrating why a bear box is far superior.

And leaving the unfortunate hiker no choice but to resupply before continuing his journey.

If something like this happened in the 100 Mile Wilderness in Maine it would be a critical failure. 
As it is...this is more of an inconvenience with nearby towns.

We are on our way to Peaks of Otter this morning.

Waterfalls of Peaks of Otter


Peaks of Otter Winery

(...and don't you just love the Chili-Dawg Wine...complete with a spritz of Cheez-Whiz on the back of your hand to be done like a shot of 

You know I have to try this, right?

You, too?

 Buy it here.

*does not come with Cheez-Whiz...must be purchased separately.

But we have miles to go and must be on our way...

The next stop...The Priest.

Top of The Priest with Redbeard

And we are now 824 miles in on the AT.

Only 1357 miles to go...

(...try not to think about it...)

The Trail Through The Priest Wilderness

 Crabtree Falls at The Priest

Trail at Crabtree Falls

Heading to Reeds Gap

Priest to Reeds Gap and Daleville

And The Shenandoah Park which the AT neatly runs through...

ChrisOutdoors in the Shenandoah National Park

Great overlook views in that video.

The Shenandoah Park takes about 6 days to cross...but  virtually...well, we're done.

 Fox's Shenandoah Park Hike

A Black Bear in the Shenandoah Park

And enjoying a day-picnicker's lunch in the park.

Although black bears are the only bear you will encounter in the Shenandoah Park...there are an estimated 200,000 of them scattered over almost 200,000 acres. At one bear an acre and the fact that despite warnings and pleas not to...people still tend to view them as something to feed...some (like the furry picnicker above)...tend to have lost all fear of humans and view them as purveyors of really tasty food.


*however...if one does happen to overtake your is best to leave him/her alone to enjoy it.

 Black Bears of the Shenandoah Park

"Ya'll come back now...bring more snacks, ya'hear."

Gap to Ashby Gap

And, at last, where we will stop for today

Ashby Gap

Ashby Gap

Enjoyed a bear-filled day.
Hope you did, too!

