Sunday, July 7, 2019

Mermaids and Pedophiles and Revolutionary Airports, Oh MY!

You've probably noticed that I have stopped


In my weekly updates.

There is a reason for that...besides my blood-pressure.

Those of us that are appalled by the never ending shit-show that is Trump and this administration (and his staunchest supporters)...have realized that the only thing we can do is to vote BLUE for the foreseeable future.

( the rest of my natural life...)

And those who are still supporting and encouraging Trump and Co. at this point.

If Kids in Cages and manufactured crises at the border.

An addition of 22 TRILLION to the National Debt.

Over 10,000 (verified) lies to date.

An ersatz POTUS who thinks he only represents the people in his party (...unless they piss him off then they are fair game) or the red states. 

Continual attempts to violate the US Constitution (that have had to be struck down again and again) and now (re:the Citizenship/Census question) after it being deemed trying to find a way to CIRCUMVENT the SCOTUS.

Turning the 4th of July Celebration into a partisan pay-per-view. 

Being named alongside Jeffery Epstein in the RAPE of a 13 year old child.

Nothing I could ever say would change your minds one iota.

It's like mud-wrestling with a PIG...and the PIG likes it. 

Face it...this week I have heard more outrage over Disney casting Halle Bailey  (yes Bailey...not Berry)

 as The Little Mermaid, than about Trump and his alleged rape of a 13 year old with Epstein.

The Little Mermaid I am waiting for...

And if you say

I'm not racist, but...

It is like Ned Stark said  "Everything after the word BUT is bullshit."

and you are a racist.

Also neither Ned Stark or The Damned Mermaid are REAL.

So there is that.

And don't even get me started about the Trumpers who say

"Well whaddabout Bill Clinton...huh...he was involved with Epstein too!!!"

to which I reply

"If they have evidence that Bill Clinton was involved...he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent as well. And in prison. Pedophilia is not confined nor should be excused by Party Lines"

and then they say

"Yeah...but whaddabout Bill Clinton????"

Are you STUPID and DEAF???

( unfortunate...)

And we are back to wrestling pigs in mud, folks.

So, I have started taking a much healthier approach to the whole business.

Laughing at your dumb asses.

Instead of being aghast that the so-called POTUS did not REALIZE that Airplanes (and thus airports) were not around in the 1700's...I've been ramming the ramparts (and what the hell does that even mean???) myself, and enjoying


"Listen my children and you shall hear of the Red-Eye Flight of Paul Revere..."

"We beat the British because they had to connect through Atlanta."

"Dearest Martha, please find enclosed a tracking number for my lost luggage at Philadelphia. It shall arrive to Mount Vernon via carriage in 21-25 days. Also enclosed is a receipt for the cost of parking my horse at Dulles for the weekend."

"Your Royal Majesty King George III, I write bearing grave news: This morning Washington’s men seized the airport of JFK. Our loyal men bravely stood their grounds within the customs and excise. Alas the airport was lost. Yours, General Lord North"

“My god, men. We’ve lost the Cinnabon. This cannot stand!”  

As well as the priceless memes.

Washington Seizing JFK

(...a rare selfie...)

So- support the candidates...rally behind the nomination in November BLUE...

But laugh a little, before we take back our country, and FIX this mess!!!

Fun Fact: On June 13, 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner on a flight home from Boston after the end of the War of 1812. Legend has it (heavily intoxicated) he wrote it on the back of a barf bag from the seat back-pocket in front of him.

 More Anon...

Mick Jagger, at Gillette Stadium last night: 

“If only the British had held on to the airports, the whole thing might have gone differently for us.”