Wednesday, December 11, 2019

As The Impeachment Turns...


Yeah, it has gotten a little crazier over the past couple weeks.

Face KNEW he wasn't going to go away quietly.

Even Nixon knew when it was OVER.

This Idiot just keeps doubling down.

And, although some of the Republicans in the White House are finally beginning to give him the side-eye...most of his die hard sycophants are doubling down as well. 

"...if I had to decide what HILL to die certainly wouldn't be for Ugly Lord Orange-Stroke....okay?"

After hours of testimony by decorated war vets...ambassadors and aides...and witnesses both second and first-hand-

and the GOP, of course...

Jordan, Nunes, Castor, and Gaetz

Screaming and thumping their chests

(...which might work well if you are a chimpanzee or a low-land gorilla...but otherwise it is pretty ineffective...)

At first it was kind of entertaining...which soon gave way to distracting...which was its original purpose, I'm sure...then it just became rather annoying, rude and sad.

Face it...they didn't have anything else.

When faced with facts...hooting and thumping and rudely interrupting was all they had.

Soon after Articles of Impeachment were written and introduced.


 Boiled down they are



Sure...he has done many many things that are over the top...probably a dozen of those are impeachable items as well...but these two are cut and dried and backed by reams of evidence.

The GOP is twisting itself into pretzels trying to defend their guy...

AG Barr is setting himself up for the same fate as Mitchell of Watergate Infamy by trying to be Trump's personal water-boy instead of AG of THE USA.

(...he will sort it when the handcuffs come and there is prison time...)

Just ask John how well that worked out for him.

Suddenly Trump is like a rabid weasel spinning a wall of fantasies, lies and out and out bullshit...that is is...well to use his word


One of his most current rants took on the water-saving toilets...claiming

"You have to flush them like 10 or 15 times..."

and spawning memes like

and, most recently, at his rally in Hershey Pennsylvania:

The President also issued a mocking defense of his conduct at a rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, Tuesday night -- arguing that the charges that he abused power and obstructed Congress are "not even a crime."

"Everyone said this is impeachment-lite. This is the lightest impeachment in the history of our country, by far. It's not even like an impeachment," Trump said.

Sure, Jan.

And thank, (insert your chosen deity here), that Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah, and Jimmy Kimmel & Others exist to give us a laugh and more importantly, show us that there are many of least 70% who are saying

"What the ACTUAL fuck???"


"Impeach his ass, already"

More as it comes...
And it always does. 
