Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Night Before Christmas...

And all through the house...all you could hear was Sofi


And rolling around in the throes of heat on the floor.

I fear for Santa Claus.

Outstanding Christmas Eve, starting with a mug of coffee laced with Hagan Daz ice cream and Razzleberry pie baking in the early dawn...and chat with John before he left for Ohio.

"Just waiting for Santy Claws"

"Come on, Dad...I could fit in your travel bag!!!"

May have to make the "baking pie for breakfast" my new Christmas Eve Tradition!

What a wonderful way to start the day!

Good Coffee and Hot Pie.

The quiet before the storm.

Friday, I'm hosting Our (Diane and Brenda and I) Christmas Tea...and Saturday everyone is getting together

(...Nicole and James and the Grands: Emma, Kaylee, Brenden and Aiden...Tina and Chris and I...Nicole's grown daughter, Brittany, and boyfriend and my honorary great-grands Amelia Rose and Brantley...)

Nicki is baking a huge ham and we are all bringing sides.

A post-Christmas Feast!



All together.

(...more important than anything else...)

Settling in for a quiet Christmas Eve/Day here.

Picked up a Ribeye and Portabella Mushrooms and Asparagus to go along with the pie.

A treat from my practical kid (Lennon) in Florida who always manages to send me a Walmart Gift Card for Christmas...lol!

Also much appreciated.

And although, John and I have a standing date to see The Rise of Skywalker on the wide screen together in January...pretty sure I am going to do a sneak peek (preview) it tonight!

Wishing everyone a peaceful, happy, Christmas!