Saturday, December 21, 2019

"Peachy" the IMPOTUS...Oh Christmas Tree...Our Birthday/Christmas...and More

We did it!

I got EVERYTHING I asked for...for "Impeachmas"!

How about you?

Possibly the BEST part about the whole thing is no matter what the Senate does...assuming Nancy even sends them the articles to go to trial...

He is impeached.

Will ALWAYS be impeached. 
Only the 3rd President to be so in 243 years...

And because he didn't have the sense to resign (like Nixon) before the impeachment vote was held and passed



Meaning, eventually, he will be held accountable for his crimes in office.

No free passes.

I think I feel good about that.

Mind if I just refer to you as "Peachy" from here on out.

So yes...doing the Happy Dance.

and imagine I am not the only one.

Finished the Tree

And John and I had our combination His Birthday and Our Christmas celebration this week.

With gifts, chocolate cream pie, gifts for our respective fur babies, Birthday dinner...and Christmas (early) breakfast...including bacon...bacon...bacon.

And we both learned a valuable lesson

As ROMANTIC as it sounded...sleeping on the floor on a blanket palette with pillows under the twinkling lights of the Christmas Tree is


In "Love in the Age Of Arthritis"

Nope...we won't be doing THAT again...

What the HELL were we thinking???

(...I don't know...but pretty sure it didn't involve calling a chiropractor the next day...) 

Otherwise, a wonderful time.

Sofi wheedling some of her Christmas Stocking items early.

"Okay...maybe just one..."

and Gadget...being her adorable self...and watching the Saints-Colts game with us on Monday night...

Oh...Hi, Mom!

I love, love, love my electric but looks like a real fireplace, guy! So does Sofi (who parks herself in front of it)
Perfect proportions for the apartment.  Can't wait for January 1st to take down the tree and move it into that corner for the winter!

I'm always wanted one...without the mess, upkeep or venting issues of a genuine wood fireplace.

Can be used with or without heat.

So relaxing.

This Week's Book

Written by Life-Time Conservative Rick Wilson.

Outrageously funny.  Sadly true. 

Conservative Introspect into the Hijacking of the GOP by Donald Trump.

Sheds a lot of interior light into the past 3 years. Shows you things you'll wish you didn't see...and can never unsee.

Into politics? This is the book for you....

This Week's Movie

The crew from Jumanji Two with the addition of Danny Glover and Danny DeVito.

Nice storyline...a return to Jumanji...a few additional body-shuffles which are pretty funny.

All in all a good time.

Worth a watch!

A Cinderella-Saturday here...getting home ready for a week's worth of Christmas.

Can't wait to see everyone,

 Have a Wonderful Holiday!

"Just getting ready for the excitement."