Saturday, March 21, 2020

Saturday's Solitude...and The Update 10th day of Self-Isolation...and very slowly getting a routine established here. The New Normal.

 (No...eating...napping and fwipping between the ISDH, the John Hopkins Site and the COVID-19 Global site did not count...)

Also learning I would do very poorly in prison .

Now, it is coffee and chat with John..and catching up with friends and the kids online...and a check in on the virus, of course,

Exercise, and breakfast for me and the cat.

Bath and getting dressed and together for the day.

Tidy the house and do laundry and dishes.

Blog or Virtual Travel.

Journaling ( A recent addition to help cope with the psychological side of our New Normal suggested by a friend and since I have basically been following this pandemic since January )

Phone calls/emails/reordering anything I'm out of

Outside time! (...hopefully playing in the plants before long...)

Nap with the Sofi-cat.


Making Dinner

Catching up with Loretta and with John at the end of the day

Reading or Painting


I do so much better with a routine.

So much has happened since last week. 

Nationally...the cases have exploded to nearing the 25,000 mark.

Globally we have went from 181,000 cases to


Yes...Holy Shit!

Here in The States we seem to be just at the tip of the iceberg. The next few weeks will be critical.

After seeing the photos from the airports screening lines all over the country...

And those INVINCIBLE kids on their Spring breaks this week and last

(...and special thanks to the Governor of Florida who waited until AFTER the break to close the beaches...because $$$$$$$$$$$, that is why...) 

Yeah...I'm pretty sure we are effing doomed.

(...natural selection in action...)

The herd will be thinned.

And John and I are going to self-isolate for a while and hopefully not be part of the culled...okay?

So...what else is there to do when nearly everything is closed and your neighbors are now not Pete and Sally, but Vector 1 and Vector 2?

Well my oldest grand-daughter decided to go PINK!

Like fushia!

It is beautiful, hon!

Everyone from Distilleries and Perfumers to Federal Prisons have jumped on the band-wagon and are making hand sanitizer!

People have hoarded all the toilet paper available...and their dogs have found part of their stash...

"They said they didn't do it...I believe them."

Commercial companies are coming up with novel ideas to cash in.

or you can just go old-school...

And anyone who has been watching the WH health briefings has to appreciate this...

"When what you are saying is SO DAMNED stupid it make the Corona Virus Expert Guy touch his face!!!"

Well at least the stock market is doing well...right?

Okay...maybe not.

You know...sometimes you just have to get creative and make your own fun!


While the world is basically in psycho-chicken right now is should come as no surprise that

this guy

is now no longer a New England Patriot...but instead has been snatched up by Tampa, and is a Buccaneer.

And Opie has got REAL OLD

( have we all...)


Waiting for the weather to cooperate and puttering outside in the plants to begin...

The Book this Week

Ahern's sequel to P.S, I Love You.

If you haven't read the first book...stop what you are doing and read it soon.

For those who have...a beautiful follow up 7 years later.

Well written. Realistic,


Worth a look!

No new movie this week...but
I did re-watch Contagion.

(...maybe not so healthy...)

Last week's I thought...just a cold...fine now...except the world is now closed and the transit is closed and even Sofi and I are starting to get on each other's nerves...

"I close my eyes...but when I open them you are STILL can I miss you if you WON'T ever go away???"   ~Sofi

Have a!

"Chillin' with Dad"  ~Gadget