Saturday, March 28, 2020

How is YOUR Self-Isolation Going?

That good, eh?

From amusing ourselves

to shaking our heads at those who will soon be its next victims... thing is apparent.

This virus is no HOAX or laughing matter.

This 3-D imaging shows how the virus attacks the lungs-

This week in the US alone- we have seen

10,000+ new cases Monday

10,000+ new cases Tuesday

10,000+ new cases Wednesday

17,000+ new cases Thursday

18,000+ new cases Friday

And our total for this hour in the United States is now



1,873 deaths so far.

Globally...the total is



28,964 Deaths so far.

And I hate the dryness of stats. 
I really do. 

It is easy to say Twenty eight thousand, nine hundred and sixty four dead.  Without looking at that as individual people.

Grandmas and Grandpa, Moms and Dads, Sisters and Brothers, Lovers and Friends, Sons and Daughters, Children. 

Most of us may know 300-400 people, and friends.

Imagine everyone that you know is dead.

Now multiply the number by 100 or more.

And we haven't reached the peak yet.

I have to admit I broke isolation yesterday...after 15 days in and feeling a LOT stir-crazy.

I called our local transit...who is offering individual rides at a much higher price.

It was stupid.

Risking my health when there was absolutely nothing that I HAD to have...that I couldn't have got easily online.

Just to get out.

I went to a small local business that was still open.

Let me tell you about that foray out...

My driver was outfitted with her suit, mask, gloves and eye protection. This was my first

"What the hell am I doing?"


The normally busy streets were quiet, with very very few cars.

Most of the businesses were closed and a lot of the parking lots were empty or nearly empty.


When we finally reached my destination I had seen most of the few people who were out were wearing masks, gloves or both.

I was wearing neither.

I was only in for a few minutes. A lot of the shelves were bare. No bread, no flour or yeast to make bread, very little meat, no eggs, beans, rice, pasta...

I picked up a few frozen items...some canned...and a small carton of Snickers Ice Cream because it was there...

(...and the thought actually passed through my mind "Sure...I ended up with Covid-19...but hey...I did get this delicious ice cream...")

Yeah, I know


Being out there was unsettling, eerie, creepy...

And such a relief when we finally got to the relative safety of home.

Home looked positively WONDERFUL.

No. No more treks out for a long time.

If I don't have it...and I can't get it delivered...well then, I don't NEED it.

Sofi...and James' Bullys have the right idea...

We all just need to relax!

Got a few red roses delivered with my Insta-Cart Groceries.

Had Grub-Hub deliver KFC for lunch.

And tidied the patio...getting ready soon to start a few seeds and plant some new Hostas.

Enjoying the first "Gardening Day" of 2020.

(...and still marveling a little, when I opened the Compost Tote after all see that the leaf litter, egg shells, coffee grounds, twigs and vegetable peels and such were now 30 gallons of rich black soil to fill containers and pots...and top dress my borders...and a new pile of winter leaf litter to start next year's compost...)

Yeah...I am easily amused.

And speaking of easily amused...check THIS out!

A Lego-Bricks Waffle

Sent this photo to Chris and Tina...I think we ALL need one of

Definitely something to do during self-confinement.

                                                              "That...and adore the cat!"  ~Gadget
Stay Safe! 
And pamper yourselves...