Monday, July 13, 2020

Virtual Botswana: Lunch and A Nature Walk

Lunch in the

Then it is time for our next adventure.

A Nature Walk

The thing to remember before taking your walk is this:

This is NOT Disney's Animal Kingdom or Wild Country Safari, okay???

These are REAL wild animals in their own territory.

This is why God (or Nikon and Canon) gave us telephoto lenses...don't get too close.

Even the mellowest of the mellow will defend itself if it feel threatened.

(  no..don't attempt to pet a meercat...)

Let's go!

Sadly, I could find no video of the Machaba nature walk for we will have to use our imagination.

Out in the midday heat, a lot of the wildlife we saw in the morning's first pinkish light is gone.

We have to look a bit harder.

Of course the Ellies are still about.

Some congregating by shade and water.

The leopard awake now...but ready to settle into an afternoon nap in the shade.

"Because I am a cat, darling..."

And a young male lion enjoying a good soak.

The Ellies enjoy a good soak or mud-bath to discourage stinging biting insects and a brief glimpse of a zebra.

Momma, Aunties and cubs also out for a day hike.

Tall giraffes who seem as curious about us as we are of them!

Antelopes that can not be snuck up on.

"Yep...we are outta here!!!"

Hyena scavenging anything the lions may have left behind.

"You call it leftovers...we prefer to refer to it as lunch." 

And as dusk approaches...heading back to the camp so we have supper...not BECOME supper.

Next time we will check out a Night Safari!

More Anon!