Sunday, July 5, 2020

Weekend Cup of Excess...

The long weekend winding to a close.

 Maybe a bit too much sun...

Good food and painting and reading and Happy 4th to everyone...and playing in the plants (and naps) with the Sofi-Cat.

Completely relaxed!

As you can see...the cats were so disturbed by the fireworks they passed out.

"Hey...G'way...I'm trying to SLEEP, here...."

Meanwhile who's NOT sleeping?

The Rona.

After a weekend of record high new cases in Texas and Florida...

We have went from 2,893,216 positive cases to 2,979, 717 cases.

An increase in the US of 86,501 cases in 3 days.

And those are just the positive cases we know about, okay?

And has nothing to do with the 4th of July crowd.

Expect to see those numbers in 2 to 3 weeks.

Worldwide we now have over 11 and a half million cases...and over a half million deaths.

Right now 8% of everyone infected with it has died.

About masks.

 You know that cloud that comes out of your mouth in the winter. is also coming out of your mouth in the summer.

All the time.

It just isn't you can't see it.


Put a mirror up to your mouth when you exhale.

See the condensation.

Every time you take a breath.

Every time those around you take a breath.

Yeah...wear your damned mask...not only for others...but also for yourself.

The hospitals are soon to be overwhelmed.

I made the horrible mistake of watching the whole Mount Rushmore thing, Friday night.

It seriously made me feel physically ill.

People packed together like canned fish.  I spotted 3 or 4 masks in the entire crowd.

The US vs Them rhetoric and the reaction of the mob was disheartening. All that was missing was Wagner music, swastikas and search-lights.

Only 120 days until we can VOTE to remove this garbage.


 More anon...