Thursday, July 23, 2020

Virtual Botswana: Night Safari

After the evening fire is extinguished comes the Adventure we have been waiting for-  Night Game Drives.

Simply put...

Night Safari.

Where the night sounds become visible.

And our first visitor is alarmingly nearby!

A jaguar.

Wide awake now, and ready to hunt.

A Serval is also hunting for small game near the camp.

We are treated to not only Ellies in the distance...grouped together for the night...but also a spectacular view of the Milky Way.

The starry skies over this vast grassland is indescribable.

And make me want to paint them!

We pass the earlier pride of asleep...although a single female is wary and watches our truck as we pass.

And sometimes we just stop and photograph the night skies.

More often than not we run across someone enjoying their late night dinner.

"Hey....eating here...pal..."

"Is that MY Wildebeest, you're gnawing????"

"Christ, here they come again...we're trying to get some sleep here...enough with the headlights, already!!!"

 "Oh Cedric...don't be a stick in the mud...give them a good roar...that's all they're waiting for..."

"If they don't turn those bloody headlamps off..I'm going to give them a bit more than a roar..."

"...snork...snuffle...what...who...errrr...oh it's them..."

(...and aren't bushbabies the cutest things...)

"...trying to get some sleep here...effing tourists..."

"Ya come any closer, I'll QUILL ya..."

"You see, Chester, you just have to take control of the situation!"


"While the lionesses are asleep we can graze in peace!"

"I'm telling you, honey...this neighborhood is goin' straight to hell!!!"

 "That's it...if he hits me with that freakin' spotlight one more time I'm adding some variety to my diet...that's all I'm sayin'..."

"...thanks for the grub, Bub!"

"I've GOT to cut back on the CAFFEINE."

"Been bothering you too, eh????"

"Hey...just having a little midnight snack...I'm starting that diet tomorrow...really."

"Now Cedric, calm yourself before you get us in all sorts of trouble!"

"Damn it, Cedric...where'd ya even get a lighter???"

Hope you've enjoyed the night to get this fire out.

"No...I've no idea how he got my lighter...bloody lion!"

More Anon...