Saturday, August 1, 2020

August Arrives...Patio Gardens and Rain...Cat Nests and More the HELL is it August already???

This Covid-Year is passing in a blur, it seems.

A year of no car shows, no movies, no sports, no concerts,  no sit down restaurants, no (or few) family gatherings, limited friend gatherings (...although we did manage Covid-Buddies after a while of everybody being quarantined...) masks, and hand sanitizer and toilet paper shortages...and it has only been about 4 and a half months...

This the beginning sentence of Hemingway's Moveable Feast

"And then, there was the rain."

Every day...and sometimes thunderstorms.

The hard SE Asia deluges...and the gentle patterings...the windswept almost lateral gusts...and the slow lazy plonks of fat drops...last night going to sleep with the sound of a steady soaking outside.

My patio garden and borders couldn't be happier.


Sofi is less thrilled...and has built cats nests to pass the hours.

This is her second...and she appears fairly happy with herself.

Let me explain.

In my bedroom corner...on top of a stack of large boxes she found my silver gray fuzzy "woobie" the next morning she had carved out a bowl shaped cat nest and was laying comfortably in it.

Because it was perfect for her to sun herself by the window...and she had worked so hard on it...

And basically because my cat is spoiled rotten

I gave her the "woobie"...did not disturb her nest...and on my next shopping day out bought another super-soft throw for me.


(You see where this is headed)

Yesterday it rained again...all the end of the rainy day a second NEST had been carved out of my new throw...on the sofa in my living room.


So now I have 2 cat throw...and no...I won't be getting a third.

She would probably just drag it off to the bathroom and make a third nest out of it, anyway.


Sitting making the Monthly Plan today.

Paid August's Rent..Amber doing the quarterly carpet scrubbing on Monday...Sisters Day on the 15th...Emma's 14th Birthday...Loretta's 79th Birthday...John and I, and Our August Getaway. dangerously this month as we have reserved a room (with a hot tub) again after months and may even do our first dine in since February together...some semblance of normalcy...

Plans contingent on The Rona Situation by then, of course.

And masked!

Now knowing 7 people, personally, that have gotten/have it.

One of whom has died.

Scary stuff.

The most recent Kelly and Joe from the lake...used to be we have all moved...and are still friends.

Luckily all contact before or during has been on Facebook.

No RONA there.

She has it mildly...Joe is very very sick.

Every time they think he is improving, he suffers a setback.

Numbers are on the rise, of course, the kids are GOING BACK TO SCHOOL CLASSROOMS.

What the actual fuck???

Watching this closely.

Hancock County (Greenfield) had its first day of classes back yesterday...also its first verified case of Covid.

I give this spectacularly bad idea about 3 weeks.

And wonder how many kids, teachers, bus drivers, janitors, principals, assistants, lunch ladies, friends and family members will be exposed in that time.

This is why we cannot have nice things, people!

And a laugh out loud moment

because...wouldn't you HAVE to???

(...yes that is Brad Pitt's picture...)

Just to stay sane.

And thinking of the insane...politics this week have been a lot like using a smoker on a bee-hive-

Everything going off so many directions to keep you dazed...confused....befuddled.

Maxwell and Epstein and subpoenas and Dershowitz and Barr and The House...and another Epsteinian Suicide this one in the roof of a 27 story building...and Jim Jordan...And Trump...and the upcoming election...and witch-doctor opinions on Covid...and Demon Sex and Alien DNA...

 and Trump having a moment of

I Don't Think Anybody Likes Me


and McConnell realizing the Senate is in jeopardy and had now told at risk senators that they can split from Trump if they wish to save their seats.

Meanwhile we are nearing 18 million Covid cases worldwide with over 650,000 dead and in the US we are now at almost 5 million infected and over 150,000 dead...

But like Herman Cain said

"I'd rather be DEAD than have to wear a mask!"

And he is.

And the Tang-Colored Tyrant Wannabe???

Yeah, he wants to issue an EO to ban TikTok.

Way to prioritize, dude...
and make sure those Gen Z's won't vote for you at the same time.
Mad multi-tasking skills.

You can't make this shit up.

It is exhausting.

But there have been bright moments this week, as well.

Listening to Pres. Obama eulogize John Lewis...and Morgan Freeman read his final essay he left behind.

If you haven't heard the latter

You must.

My happy thought?

Only 94 more days until the Election.


So happy to have to have Outreach back.

This Week's Book

The title a rough translation of the Finnish  Kalsarikanni. 

Finnish Zen.

It struck me as maybe the perfect read/approach to our current plague.

Humorous and worth a look!

Still waiting on anything new to come out (movie) and settled on a re-watch of
an old film last night.

The Free State of Jones

Very good!

Finishing up my Cinderella Day today (...launder, scrub, dust, polish...) so tomorrow can be a Zen Day.

Have a Wonderful Weekend!