Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Breaking News: VP Selection


It is official! Former California Prosecutor Kamala Harris will be Joe Biden's 2020 running mate.

(...and we all breathed out...)

So excited about a Biden/Harris ticket....an unbeatable team!

And yes...it took Trump 8 whole minutes to start tweeting horrible things about her, and calling her "nasty".

It's okay. It is only going to take us 84 more days to call him "irrelevant" and "former POTUS" so I am good with that.

What a team. 

Ready to hit the ground running...

So good for all Americans.

(...yes...even you Trump fanatics that vote against your own self interest and have already started referring to her as Kowmala...sad and pathetic...)

84 days and we can end this thing.

In late January we can start FIXING this mess.

Will Covid be gone? Hell no. But we will have a coordinated NATIONAL plan...and a President and Vice-President who believe in SCIENCE.

Will the economy be stronger?  In time. Increased confidence in the global markets...and true stimulus in America will set us on the road to recovery.

This will not happen overnight...but it will happen.

Personally, I hope he chooses Adam Schiff as AG.

I'd like to see Mayor Pete in Veterans Affairs.

But seriously...won't it be good to see a competent cabinet for a change instead of Acting Secretaries and people with absolutely no experience except for the fact they donated large amounts of cash...or were complete sycophants???


Looking forward to the debates...

We're going to need a lot more popcorn!

Celebrated with a wedge of New York Cheesecake tonight!!!!