Monday, August 31, 2020

Birthdays...Our Rushville Getaway...Living Dangerously and More

Ended the long long week with a celebration of Emma's 14th Birthday.

They grow up so fast!

From this

to this

In the blink of an eye.

Teenagers are so much fun, though. Like giant over-exuberant puppies.

Got to catch up with James and Nicole a bit, too.

John and I taking a midweek trek to celebrate Loretta's 79th Birthday as well.

They are being so careful...having been on complete lock-down since February.

Now we could have 20 minute masked visits...outside...appointment  contact and socially distanced across 2 tables.

Everything we brought her had to be wiped down before they let her have it.

We scheduled both an evening and morning slot.

So great to see a little birthday.

And so hard not to be able to hug at the end of our visits.

Maybe next year we will all get to go out, enjoy a day together and hug like crazy at the  end of it!

Our Getaway was amazing, and so are you, John!

"Though you weren't ever going to let me out of that duffel..."                                                                      Ralph The Travel Bear

Including a long bubbly soak in the hot tub and Chinese Take-Out in bed!

And cold Pork Lo Mein the next morning...breakfast of champions...

It was nice to, even briefly, have a return to normalcy.

The next day we even decided to live dangerously and had the first sit-down restaurant meal we have had together since February.

Hand-sanitizer and masks at the door.

Masks in the building and while the waitress was at the table.  And if you got up from the table.

Empty tables staggered in the dining area so no one was near anyone else.

The New Normal.

Even got to visit Our Gadget (...the kitten formerly known as Suri...) 

I was a bit afraid she wouldn't remember me.

"OMG...Dad you FOUND Mom!!!!"  ~Gadget

But it was wonderful...and soon I was treated to Gadget Snuggles!

What a Perfect Getaway!

We are making plans for September's Fishing, Fun and Grill-Out already.
                            Always something to look forward to.

Enjoying the last of Summer...and plans for Fall Decorating and getting the herbs cut to dry soon.

Today I have my Instacart...and a pork loin to slow roast...and sweet corn on the cob...and baked sweet potato with butter and spiced praline pecans...

Amber just finished with the floors and I have the house back in order.

Laundry is churning...and life is good!