Monday, June 26, 2023

Virtual SA: El Salvador...Land of Volcanoes and Beaches


With 190 miles of coastline and surrounded by volcanoes...El Salvador is a photographer's paradise.

Most of its beaches have black sand. Lava ground to bits over millions of years.

Today, we will explore both the sea and fire that makes up this small country.

Little but mighty...El Salvador is made up of beaches, jungles and volcanoes. It is famous for its waves and surfing opportunities. The best waves are found from May through October.

Surfing competitions are held yearly along its coast.

Surfing El Salvador

Leaving its wild surf and black sand beaches...we see another of its beautiful attributes...the jungle.

Lush tropical and dotted with waterfalls!

There are trails for hiking and guided tours. 

Jungle Hike

This is the rain-forest!

The wildlife here is bright, many and varied.

 From the lowly Tapir to the magnificent Jaguar. And everything in between.

And a cacophony of brightly colored birds shrieking overhead.

The jungle itself littered with Mayan remains...a lost civilization.

Mayan Tour

And the volcanoes.

Many, still active.

Towering over everything.

and sometimes causing tremors, earthquakes and erupting.

Land of Volcanoes

Climbing Santa Ana

A few other things El Salvador offers

Until next time....