Monday, August 29, 2016

(Virtual) Cyprus

The third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean.  For all its beauty and popularity with tourists, Cyprus has had a war torn past as recently as 1974. Its proximity to Europe, Turkey and Africa sets it in the crosshairs for skirmishes between the three.

Cyprus (Κύπρος)  has human activity documented since the year 10 BC. and has seen rulers throughout its span from nearly every nation. Sometimes multiple  rulers at the same time. 

Its beauty is exquisite.  The above shot a screen capture from a documentary, I have decided to work on this as my painting of the Mediterranean instead of the often depicted Blue Domed of Santorini (which have been done to death).  I am still in complete awe of the varying shades of blues found in the area.

I want to reproduce this in a painting as well.

Sans the tourists, of course.

 Love the bridges, caves and grottos.

And all that blue. Still awaiting my lapis lazuli and silver ring.

Another great exploring Cyprus video

The Island's name is contested as well. Some saying it is named after the Cypress Trees...some saying that it follows an old Pre-Grecian word for copper, which is also plentiful on the island.

                                        Cypress by Vincent Van Gogh

Both can be found in abundance.

Looming like a beautiful backdrop on the island, Mount Olympus.
Home of the Gods. 

Residence of Zeus.

Aphrodite was also said to rise from these waters on a clamshell. A large boulder remains in the sea.  Legend has that if a woman swims three laps around it she will remain beautiful all of her life.

Soon we will delve more closely into the Greek Gods.

More anon...