Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Cup of Fall



Such a beautiful beginning to Fall.

Monday, Chris and Don and I tried the new Tokyo Japanese Steakhouse for our Fall Visit and their combined (early) birthdays. His the 17th (31) and Don's on the 13th (73). 

Enjoyed a lot of outside time with Sofi this week...and still doing some decorating. 

Mums and pumpkins to come, and must finish the leafy vines on the arbor. A cinnamon bun scented candle for the house, and clusters of faux sunflowers and signage is giving the whole business a decidedly Brown County Shop feel.

Sofi having a splendid adventure in the leaves and cool air on her harness as I read.

The colors are beautiful, now.

Just beginning the leaf vines up the arbor...will finish soon.

Even my roses have burst forward in end of the season blooms!


Watched the much-more-civil VP debate (Pence/Harris) this Tuesday...where both candidates did fairly well, and really laid out the clear differences between the two Presidential Candidates.  Even if this guy did steal the show...


I suspect it was the Hillary Clinton Fly back for another 15 minutes in the spotlight.

It landed on Mike Pence's head and just sat

By the end of the week it was probably giving its own press conference.

Trump, it seems, is recovering from the beginning of the upcoming week we should know more. Refusing to do the 2nd Presidential Debate remotely (virtual) so Biden will be doing a solo town hall on the date, instead.

Champing at the bit to get back to his rallies.

(....because now that he has had it...he really doesn't care about the people around him...not one bit...)

The WH now literally a Covid Hotspot...with Senators, Secret Service, Generals, Aides and Domestic Full Time Staff now falling ill to the virus.

It is noteworthy that Lindsey Graham refused to be tested and therefore could not do the second debate with Harrison, either.


Still Covid Free, here.


A call from our middle son, Lennon, who is in Florida and states that his employer just notified them by memo that one of their co-workers (unnamed) has tested positive. 


He is fine.

James and Nicole running out-of-state for a Parents Weekend Off Date Night...hotel and all, because...well...sometimes you have to be more than just Mom and Dad.

Chris entering finals week next week...and frazzled from this semester.

He has been tying flies to keep sane.

Brought some by last night to show me.

He is hoping to take some of his newest creations, and try some trout fishing soon!

John has been doing quite a bit of fishing, too.  This was the best shot he sent though...

I laughed out loud.

One bluegill bite for me...and one for you...

Frankly...I don't know how the little guy even got the hook in his mouth!

(...never fear....not bluegill bites...just lovingly released so he can grow up...)

There is ALWAYS Long John Silver's.

Our odd couple still paddling around the lake together...

Now he HAS to stick around...

I've bonded with him, too.

(...I'm pulling for duck love...but the DNR says Mallards bond for the season, not for life like geese and swans we will see by migration time...)

"...said I dig ya, baby...but I got to keep moving...on

...keep moving on..."

                                Last Dance~ Tom Petty 

Rough news on the Covid Front...where the Second Wave is starting to swell worldwide...including us...

And the numbers have got so big at this point it is nearly impossible to get your head around them.

Stay Safe.

This is not even close to being matter what Mango Mussolini is saying.


Okay...someone had to do it.


Our Virtual Adventure encompassed the Flora and Fauna of Madagascar this week...and am ordering these

 Madagascar Bourbon Infused Vanilla Bean Pods 

Great for the future Cuisine from Madagascar Blog.

This Week's Book...suggested by John

I had never read any Ian Fleming, and was very pleasantly surprised. 

I think the best is the detail, description...which fully pulls you into every scene.

Since I grew up watching the Bond films...the only part that was difficult to get my head around was Judi Densche NOT being "M".

"M" was, of course, a man in the book.

But if you are not familiar with Ian Fleming's writings...give him a might love his style. 

The best part of it for me was his ability to write dialect. It rivals Twain.

This Week's Movie (after reading the book)


Also Dr. No.

And Sean Connery looking way way way too young.

Truth be told...he has aged to be sexier now than he ever was as 007...or maybe I'm just old now, too!

Sean then...

And now.


See what I mean???


In the original film I had forgotten that M was indeed played by a man. 

I have slept a lot since then.

And they took some major deviations from the book...but it was interesting to revisit 1960's cinema.

One of the changes involved the bedroom scene with what was SUPPOSE to be a poisonous centipede...

As an arachnophobe, it would a handy bit of information to have

By the time the very real tarantula had made its way up his bare arm, chest, and side of his onto the pillow...yes I was transfixed in complete horror.



But great film...1960's campy in spots. Certainly politically incorrect (smoking, sexism, racial stereotypes, woman cringing behind strong male lead) was the time...but quite entertaining, nonetheless.

Cinderella Saturday, here...making a bit of progress on the clearing of the cabinets before the new ones arrive.

Looking forward to tomorrow, relaxation, good food, and football

Raiders and Chiefs at 1:00 at Arrowhead Stadium.

Colts and the Cleveland Browns at 4:25 in Ohio.


Have a Relaxing Weekend! 

