Friday, October 9, 2020

Virtual Madagascar: The Unique Plants, Flowers and Trees



Although not exclusive
to Madagascar
the most interesting!

The Baobab Trees.

Known as renala
(Mother of the Forest)
Some of these trees
are over 2,500
years old.
Of particular interest
is a stand known as
Avenue of The Baobab Trees

Where the trees
once a large rain-forest
now towering remnants
standing guard over scrub
line the road.
Baobabs can store
up to 32,000
gallons of water
in their trunks.

The Beginnings of a Baobab Tree

About 83% of
the plant life
on Madagascar
is seen
nowhere else in the 
A great many are orchids
Darwin's Orchid

Andy's Orchid

and my personal favorite
The Vanilla Orchid

Whose green pods turn leathery brown 
and are then
Madagascar Vanilla Beans



The pods can then be split and scraped for 
the vanilla seeds
black specks added to
ice creams, custards, dishes and desserts.

This known as Vanilla Caviar.
Or the whole pod added during the cooking process
as in stirred custards
and fished out before
Vanilla Extract is easily made by soaking
whole vanilla beans in 
vodka or other drinking alcohols. 

Bourbon seems to be 
a favorite!
They can be bought here

In forested areas
some of the carnivorous

plants like this 
Pitcher Plant
are found

Some growing from the forest floor
and some hanging vine-like
from above
like a string of (hungry) balloons.

Not to fear
these are not
Feed Me, Seymour

But live on a diet
of insects, reptiles, frogs
 and the occasional small bird. 
Some of the fabulous Palms
found on Madagascar

More on the flora of Madagascar
I hope you have
this brief look at the flora of 
And I think I must buy
some Vanilla Beans!

More Anon...