Thursday, April 7, 2016

CNN: Clinton News Network? How DARE you. And MORE.

Yeah...yeah...this was suppose to be the continuation of Sintra Portugal with fairy-tale castles in the sky and poetry by Lord Byron...but we'll get to all that tomorrow and the weekend...okay?

So...I've dealt with the MSM blackout pretty well. I enjoy TYT Network nightly and follow several Bernie Sander's Groups. I have managed to ignore a lot of the MSM  bias...while others have been referring to CNN as the Clinton Network News for months now. I realize that Time Warner has a LOT invested in backing "their horse", and that is why even when Bernie wins the last 6 out of 7 States...they still fall back with an article how Hillary expected it...and it is no big deal.

So in the past couple days when Hillary (who is reeking desperation at this point) has attacked Bernie's competency and qualifications to be POTUS, attacked him over Sandy Hook, and insulted those of us who support him...I pretty much chalked it up to Hillary Hysteria.

Then I made the mistake of checking out CNN's headlines tonight.


Their headline read:

"Is BERNIE Taking the Low Road?"

And commentary as to how horrible and unfair Bernie is being by responding to these personal attacks.

Unfuckingbelievable...No really...are you fucking kidding me????

I hope by the time he reaches New York he goes completely Brooklyn on your ass...okay? Really I do.  Enough is enough.

One of the Sandy Hook Families wrote THIS in response.

And although she says "No worries" here is part of a memo circulated to her supporters.

The bottom line is Hillary will lie, cheat, use dead children, pay her way to the top, in short do anything to attempt win the Presidency.  This is also why a huge part of her own party, myself included, is now saying

"Bernie or Bust"

and will not vote for her under any circumstances. Pretty much the same thing she (and her supporters) did in 2008  with P.U.M.A.  (Party Unity My Ass) so don't wag your finger at us and talk about singing Kumbayah...cause it soooooooooooooo ain't happening.…

The link has contact information for each State's Super Delegates. If your State was won by Bernie make sure you let your Super Delegates know that if they don't represent you in'll vote their asses out in November.

 Back to our Virtual Adventure tomorrow...

Initiation Well  Sintra Portugal