Monday, April 4, 2016

See What Happens...Can't Leave Politics Unsupervised for Five Minutes...

without EVERYONE just losing their damned minds????

It has only been 4 days, people. 

The first thing I am told is that Nevada has shifted hands, and because of votes tallied from the Las Vegas area it has now gone from a Clinton Win to a Sanders WinSince this was dated April 1st, obviously I thought someone was having me on. is TRUE.

Then they tell me that, after the Arizona hearings, they have established that there definitely WAS voter word whether there will be a re-vote yet.

But wait...there is so much more...

Apparently, The Donald did the unthinkable by actually managing to piss off both the Pro-Choice and Anti-Abortion people...and pretty much women in general, with a series of declarations as to who should be PUNISHED if a woman has an abortion...first stating the woman should be punished...then stating the doctors......and then reversing his position to "play it as it lands" or let the standing laws stand.
Politics is hard, Donald.
I think he is beginning to see that. 

And Donald telling Kasich he has no business in the race now...and attacking Cruz's wife and making excuses for the photograph of his wife's nude photo that is circulating...

And Ted shrilly defending his wife's honor until

wait for it

Anonymous  (...and I absolutely LOVE this hacktivist group) stepped in and called BULLSHIT. 

More specifically, they released pictures of 5 different women that Ted Cruz allegedly boffedAffairs. The National Enquirer ran with it...and no one pays much attention to them, right?  Except that two of the woman aren't denying it and a third is lawyering-up...and lest we forget the Enquirer is the same hapless rag that first shed light on John Edwards and the Hunter Woman and Baby.

Anonymous says if Ted doesn't withdraw pronto they are going to release more details.

Can't leave these guys alone for five minutes, I'm telling you...

And Hillary...whose battle cry in 2008 (handily available on video) who said she would debate

"Anytime...Anywhere." Very Apollo-Creedesque.

Has been doing a merry run around with Bernie who wants a debate in New York badly before the Primary there.

Her, offering up time slots like the Saturday of the Final Four.  WTH?

Yet, when The Morning Show offered a premium time slot for both candidates she immediately refused.

And last, but far from least, Bernie has a solid lead in Wisconsin heading into tomorrow's primary there.

Even in my Post-hospital Pre-medicated state...I have to comment on these affairs.

 (pardon the pun, Ted)

After the Nevada and Arizona débâcle...if they find that there has been sleight of hand...rigging or out and out CHEATING by HRC or any of her Minions it should immediately terminate her run for the office of POTUS.  And I would feel the same way no matter which candidate did it...okay? Even Bernie.

Not that it will, of course. But it should.

The Donald?  I am hard pressed to see why ANYONE votes for him, anyway. But it is interesting to see him evolve...twist and turn...and begin to see the realities of politics. Someone is always going to end up pissed, Donald, always. And it is strange to see him telling Kasich he shouldn't still be involved when Kasich is the sanest of the three candidates. Admittedly, that isn't a huge distinction.

Ted...defending his wife's honour...just before Anonymous reveals 5 (count 'em) five extramarital affairs.  In Ted's defense, I find it extremely difficult to believe that (including his wife) Ted could ever find six women willing to sleep with him. But suspending that disbelief...and his proven track record for "Do as I say, not as I do"  anything is possible here.

Just sitting back and watching the show, folks!

And Hillary...Do the damned Morning Show, release the freaking transcripts...and get it over with.  Bernie is FROM Brooklyn. Good luck with that. Sure there is a lot of money-people in the state and obviously you have Wall Street in your pocket...but at the end of the day you are all still the 1% and "we the people"  still make up the other 99%. It isn't over until it is over.

This time Occupy means Occupy the Voting Booths!!!

So there you have it...and now I'm crawling back under the covers to rest a bit more. Anxiously waiting to see the outcome of the Wisconsin Primary tomorrow!
