Thursday, June 16, 2016

Middle of the Year...and A Post 5:2 Update: 2nd Year on the Maintenance 6:1

                                                      June 15th, 2016

Still in those black leather trousers after two years post Fast Diet. The Maintenance Programme works wonderfully when you stick to it...and when you don't, it is easy to drop the few pounds you can gain back by slipping back to the 5:2 for a few weeks.  Best Lifestyle change ever....and to everyone just starting out on this journey-

 It is well-worth the trip! we are. Mid-2016.
Reviewing My Goals.

1. Continue Practicing Zen Buddhism.

This is the middle of my 9th year. Had this flash of, dare I say, Enlightenment in February when I literally woke and realized that everyone is a Buddha sometimes. And sometimes...well...a lot of the time...we aren't. None of us. Past or present. And that is LIFE.  
How Zen is that. 
Still practicing.

2. Continue the 5-2 Fast Diet

The Maintenance plan works very well. Sometimes it is easy to slip away from it...but a minor tweak with the 5:2 and I'm back to my IBW.  Overall have been fairly healthy (despite Fred, and one encounter with a bad virus that landed me in the hospital) Labs are perfect and I really owe it to the 5:2. My ability to walk is getting more difficult, although I am still ambulatory at this time. I am a realist and have been perusing manual wheelchairs so I can remain independent and working on transfers and upper body strength.  Yeah...Pop-Eye Biceps. ~laughing~ 

In Fall, I am actually going to make the purchase (w/c) and practice using the public transportation system in my daily round with it a bit...get the lay of the when it becomes a necessity I will be ready.

3. Give back more than I receive, and acknowledge what ENOUGH is.

Have been religiously observing the $50. project...sometimes more. And thanks to Zen Buddhism I have long since realized that I always have matter what the circumstances. This applies to finances as well. It is a good feeling (serene) and has taken years to acknowledge. 

4. Re-use, Re-purpose or Compost.

Working well. My lifestyle minimalist. My carbon footprint is small. 90 percent of all my transportation is public. I make all my own soil now for potting and top dressing and keep a tote "working" all year. I am growing part of my own food and try to use the Farmer;s Markets and buy locally. I have reduced my meat consumption to a minimum. I use my own bag part of the time and bring any plastic ones back weekly for recycle. I do a lot of re-using and re-purposing.

5. I have (and am currently) working my way through Mayes "Year in the World" using virtual travel and have enjoyed Spain, Portugal, Part of Italy (Napoli), and am currently going through the British Isles. Loving it! With eBay and Youtube and Books and the World Wide Web you can see, do, experience, try almost everything...and even get a souvenir shipped directly from the city you are exploring. I have thus far tried chocolates from all the above mentioned areas. Baci (Italy) is the best, so far...but I have a CurlyWurly on my table from the UK. this opinion might change. 

6. Cross a Few More Items off My Bucket List

Yes...and still working through it!

7. Spend more 1:1 Time with Friends and Family

Yes. And LOVING this as well!

8. Continue to sort and minimize...

Yeah...need to work on this. I get really gung-ho on the tossing and giving away...then I STOP. Or worse yet...go to a tag sale and bring home something else.

Okay...not that bad. But I still need to minimalize a lot more.  Not Ghandi's 100 items...but maybe a few less than I have now.

9.  Spread Love and Light and Happiness like Confetti. Judge less and Love more. 

I truly hope so.  Especially in light of the horror that was this past week. We can't fix everything, people. But we CAN love one another. Unconditionally and certainly without all the judgement.

10. Attend one Writing Conference, have one Photo Trek and one Zen Retreat this year.

Have turned most Sundays into Reclaim a Sunday and a Mini Zen Retreat weekly. So nice, and so centering.  Joined a Writer's Group at the beginning of the year and love it!  Still waiting on the Photo Trek...soon. And have two chapters finished and edited in what will be my very first fiction novel: The Plan.
It is coming on well. 

So...mostly on target and 6 months left to adjust/accomplish the rest!

Life is Good! 

More Anon...

Climb toward the light!