Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Media Coronation of Hillary...or Why She Can Wait For Hell To Freeze Over For My Vote

Seriously, it has taken since Monday night to even calm down enough to write this without sounding like Cartman in a South Park Episode

 A Mug of Milk and a Plate of Chocolate Chip Cookies, later...and I am ready to tackle this thing.

~breathe~ we go.

Over a week ago Chris Matthews told us via MSM that before California's Primary Election (or the other five that were occurring on the same day) Hillary would claim the nomination.
It is a matter of video record.
Look it up.

Then the day before SIX Primary Elections...without the required number of pledged delegates (and at this point you can stick your Super Delegates right up your ASS, okay...they don't VOTE until July 25th...) On June 6th...MSM called the Primary Nomination for Clinton...WTF?????

And the rest is history, as they say.

Speaking of, STILL haven't received the Nomination yet. That happens at the July Convention. If it happens at all.

The fact of the matter is that NEITHER of them have or will have the necessary number of pledged delegates going into the Convention in July and this will be a Contested Convention. No matter how INCONVENIENT that is for the DNC.

I am so disgusted with all the blathering about what a wonderful role model....yadda ceilings broken and all of that. Foremost because she has played the "I have a VAGINA" card one too many times in this primary to ever consider her a role model for women. A woman who is a real role model for women doesn't have to remind ANYONE they have a vagina...that is the POINT.   The way she has rode on both Obama's and Bill's coat-tails like a water-skiing squirrel. The way she has lied enough to peel the paint off the wall...and is masturbating like a zoo monkey on a kindergarten field trip to the idea of more war...sending your kids..not hers, of course. The way she is on video as a young lawyer laughing about getting a 12 year old virgin's attacker and rapist off on a technicality. And ruining the young girl's LIFE in the process. The fact that she stand in front of us and talks about those EVIL guns...but has no problem brokering deals to arm some of the nations who are then using them to kill tens of thousands including children...and who have some of the most stringent basic human rights affronts against women...but don't let a silly thing like FACTS stop you from saying what a fine Role Model she makes. 

After all, she does have a VAGINA.

And after she has shit on us and spit on us and ask us to "go away" both in person and through her MSM cronies, at least once a week since the Primary she wants us to vote for her...of we will have to face the Boogey-Man  (a.k.a. Trump)   


You know what. After watching the manipulation of the media and her self-coronation a full month before the last vote is cast and the day before 6 primary elections...

He scares me a lot less than she does. 

He is a racist, blovinating wind-bag who could never do even half of what he is blustering about. We have laws and a constitution to prohibit most of it. And he is fucking clueless, people. He doesn't have the power to launch anything.  Oh, and Mexico isn't going to pay to build that damned wall. They were pretty clear about it. We won't be deporting Muslim Americans either. 4 Years and it will all be over. Like a bad dream.

She is an evil, manipulative, horrid hag who has destroyed my faith in the democratic system by rigging it to achieve her coronation. And "the peasants"?

"Let Them Eat Cake"

She might take a moment and reflect on how well that attitude worked for Marie Antoinette.  
Just saying.

So when am I going to return to the fold, and vote HRC?

How does NEVER work for you?

Nope. Nada. Nyet. Non. No. Hell no. Fuck no. Not going to happen. Not in this lifetime. Not in the next hundred or so, either. When pigs fly. Scratch that...not even if pigs fly. Not in a million years. Not for a million bucks. Not even if it hands Trump the election.

And you can get over yourselves with the eye rolls and admonishing me

"Well you are just giving it to Trump, then"

No.  If Hillary loses, or when she loses...she and her entitled damned attitude of "It is MY turn" will have lost her the election. Ignoring the wishes of over half the Democratic voters and Independents and the Odd Republican here and there. We have a candidate that can beat Trump. BERNIE SANDERS. And he doesn't come with 99 pre-existing scandals, FBI agents, or more luggage than Lady Gaga on tour. Or Bill. As an aside...if my one vote causes your candidate to lose to Trump...I'm thinking you should have chosen a more viable candidate for the general election...

Just Sayin'

She and her MSM buddies just decided to shove the status quo down our throats...and think we would swallow. 

We'll have to see how that all works out for you.

So I'm standing with Bernie to the Convention and hoping for the best...but even if he and Jane came out tomorrow and supported Hillary...I will NEVER vote for her. So stop asking.

(...I think I'm seriously going to need more cookies...)



You have to hand it to her, though...

Hillary, after 38 of political activism, has almost single-handedly put me off politics.  


Now I am just pissed off.