Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Revolution...The Dalai Lama...Brexit...Chocolates from Dublin...and a New Adventure in Writing

And in case you are still not CLEAR on this...

So no matter who says it or how loudly they say it...or how many times she appoints herself...or how many times MSM acts like the Democratic Nomination is a done-deal...the fact of the matter remains

                               "Superdelegates don't VOTE until July 25th"

So NO...Hillary isn't the Nominee yet.


As for me and mine, we are still Bernie or Bust. So, if Hillary is rewarded for all of her media blackout, election fraud, and lies by getting the Nomination (In JULY), you all ENJOY your Trump Presidency...okay? More than half of her OWN party won't even vote for her.

Yesterday, Indianapolis was treated to a visit by HH The 14th Dalai Lama. His address to the crowd of nearly 6,400 centered around Loving-Kindness, Compassion and Harmony. A thread which is woven through every major religion in the world and shared by most atheistic and agnostic beings as well.  It truly is the answer to the Eternal Question.

Also woke to this


The best editorial cartoon I have seen since the UK voted to leave the EU was this...and it kind of says it all...

Within a single day the DOW has plunged 600 points and companies are already talking about a mass migration out of England.

Here in the states...Texas immediately has called for what they are dubbing "Texit"  They have been salivating for an excuse to secede for years and years.

Although my UK buddies seem almost to-the-man against the ill-fated Brexit, and in fact a Regrexit petition has already accumulated over 3 million signatures for a re-vote on the issue. Many of the signatures from people who originally voted to leave the EU...not understanding the implications. 

Now, I don't  even pretend to understand the long reaching effects of The Brexit, but I do know what will happen in Texas if they ever manage to "Texit"

1. The Constitutional Rights that you so freely spout won't apply to you any more.

2. Mexico will quickly take it's land back. The Government won't be there to back you up.

3. The Federal Government (FEMA) won't be there to save your asses with funds, labor or supplies during the next wildfires, floods, droughts, any more either.

So good luck with all that.

Still poking about in Virtual Ireland...where I finished Dublin last week with a visit to a very real online sweet shoppe and found these:  Butler's Irish Chocolates

Now "winging their way" across The Atlantic!  Can't wait to try them. Continuing with the (virtual) Irish Adventure this week, and some traditional Irish Recipes!

And a new (real-time) adventure, soon,  for me.  Beginning the 5th of July as Sonnet ( Current Administrator) of The One Minute Writer prompt site, where I am a frequent contributor, is leaving to pursue her own New Adventure. I will be assuming her position.  I am completely chuffed and can't wait!

I will post the link here the day I assume the site, and hope that any of you who are writers or have ever thought about trying it, yourself...will join the lot of us!

Already working on tee-shirts and coffee mug ideas for some of the writing contests!

More tomorrow when we visit Blarney Castle and Gardens  :)