Monday, November 28, 2016

Turkish Coffee...and Reading the Grounds

OMG...I can make Turkish Coffee any time I WANT!

I may never be tired (or blink) again. 

Remember the Espresso from Naples or the Bica from Portugal??? This leaves them both in the dust. Such slackers.

Think Cocaine. 


The Ibrik (the cute tiny copper pot with brass handle) holds about 70 ml of water.

the recipe is as follows

Turkish Coffee (1 serving)

60-70 ml water

1 teaspoon extremely finely ground Arabic bean (non-oily) coffee. Should be the consistency of cocoa powder.

1 cardamom pod (or a pinch of clove, a pinch of cinnamon and a pinch of nutmeg)

Can add a pinch of sugar if desired.

Heat...but do not boil until first foam rises. Skim foam off and put small amount of foam in cup.

Repeat these actions twice. The triple near-boil helps steep all the available caffeine from the ground beans.

Pour contents of Ibrik into Turkisk Demitasse (holds aprox. 1 shot)

Let grounds settle briefly.

Sip and nibble a cube of Turkish Delight.

This is what the candy was made to do.
The taste pairs perfectly with the coffee.

Drink until you reach the settled grounds (the gunk in the bottem of your cup).

You can actually FEEL your pulse rate accelerate while you are drinking it, and the smell is lovely.

It is amazing.

What comes next in many of the coffee-houses is fortune-telling with the grounds much like tea leaf reading.

Known as Tasseography or Tasseomancy

It is done by either swirling the grounds in the cup and reading the pattern or inversion of the cup on the saucer (slightly messier) and doing the same.

My on-the-saucer splotch resembled Texas.

Or possibly some form of rodent.

Or it may just be saying I will not SLEEP now for hours.

The jury is still out.

Either way...I am enjoying this incredible coffee buzz and especially the idea I can start the busy days this way or use it as a perfectly legal pick me up on those long late afternoons.

Thanks, Turkey!

More Anon!