Saturday, April 28, 2018

Fifty Eight is GREAT...The First of the Morels...and More... birthday is officially must be...the CAKE is gone!

Saw (or in Lennon's case) talked to all of my boys and some of my grands. Loved the Begonia, Aiden! Chris is back over tomorrow, as the printer is having a compatibility issue with Linux (my OS) that he is going to sort. The printer is going to help tremendously in my day to day life!

James is going to do my dryer as soon as the part arrives

Life is good!

Enjoyed Our (Judy and My) Birthday Brunch on Wednesday with Loretta, Sharon and Diane.

Met Gus.

And anticipating Our (John and I) late celebration (Casino, Evelyn's Chocolates, Napoli Villa, An Inn, and spending a couple of days together in Early May!)

58 is GREAT!

(...and my new goal is now 60...)

"Our Tree" (as we call the Wisteria) has went from this

to this

In only 2 weeks!

The buds are opening and smell wonderful!

And still more Spring Flowers for the table. Real tulips and not-so-real daffodils.

The last of the cold (nights) this weekend, and hope to have her outside  on Monday!

James found the very first of the Grey Morels and shared them with me.

Added them sautéed to steak...with baked root veggies...and it was the perfect dinner!

Nicole got a huge surprise this week!

Imagine going from 200+ pounds to being chosen as one of the Suicide Girl Models in less than a year!


I'm sooooooooooooooo happy for you!

This week's book:

An amazing adventure!

Well written and engaging. Walking from Mexico to Columbia. Crossing the Darien Gap. Drug Lords and Coyotes. Rain-forests and Rivers. Mountains and Villages.

May actually use this book in a year or so for a Virtual Trek much like Mayes' Year in the World. 

Well worth a look!

This week's movie:

Just released yesterday...the new Avenger's Infinity War.

(spoiler alert)


 Think of all your favorite Marvel characters all one movie. Even the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy. Dr. Strange, Spiderman, Loki, Thor, Ironman, Black Panther, Captain America, and many many many more.

A lot of action.

Even a return to Wakanda.

Sprinkled with humor.

('re going to love it watching Banner trying to summon his inner Hulk...only for Hulk to tell him "NO"...or Thor repeatedly referring to the raccoon from GOTG as "rabbit"...)

They even managed to make Thanos pitiable (at times) and humanized.
Killing off half the population makes perfect sense to him to solve the problems caused by overpopulation.

His heart is in the right place. Well...sometimes.

A lot to follow in this 2 1/2 hour movie.

What I didn't like as much...the ending. Kind of anti-climatic and wondering where they are going to take it from here.

Along with the fact that they killed off quite a few MAJOR characters.

This possibly more than anything else.

Still an Epic Adventure.

A must see on the wide screen.

Now it is time for

First, the Good News of the week:

North and South Korea's Reunification, and the official end of the Korean War.

OMG...never thought I would see this in  my lifetime!!!!

And The Nashville Waffle House Shootings

Where a 29 year old follower of white supremacists brought an AR-15 in and killed 4 employees/diners before being stopped by this guy

James Shaw Jr.

Who is now a REAL LIFE action hero, and an inspiration to us all.

He was grazed in the arm by flying bullets saw his chance while the shooter was reloading...rushed him...grabbed the AR-15 by the still hot barrel (causing burns to his hand) and disarmed the 29 year throwing the weapon behind the diner counter.  The killer fled on foot at that point. Shaw probably saved a great number of lives by this act of bravery.

The 29 year old was apprehended later and jailed facing murder charges.

A gofundme site was set up for Shaw

Which has netted $190,571.00 as of this morning in an incredible outpouring of appreciation.

Shaw has stated that he is going to pay for the four victims funerals out of this well as setting up a college fund for his young daughter. hasn't all been lollipops and roses...

The Trump Circus never ends.
Or so it would seem.

First...he took credit for the Reunification.

And I was wondering how long THAT would take.

Answer: Not long.

And his followers bought it hook, line and sinker.

Proving once can't FIX stupid.

(...Trump had nothing to do with this historic event...)

His complete and utter lack of commentary on James Shaw's Heroics


was reprehensible...but also not unexpected.

He has tried to downplay the significance of Cohen as his lawyer

"...I think he brought coffee or something..."

Not in these words...more to the effect of he did very very very little legal work for me.  It was still transparently the "coffee-boy defense" strategy.


Then LOST his damned mind on a phone in interview with Fox and Friends...getting more and more manic and ranting...jumping from subject to subject...rating his own Presidency...slamming the FBI...and Mueller with such paranoid delusions (live on air) that the looks on the faces of the show's hosts were all you really needed to see this guy was completely unhinged.

"That look people get when they finally realize his cheese done slipped completely off his cracker..."

The Rant

They quickly hurried him off the air/ended the call.

How NUTS to you have to be before Fox pulls you off the air???


Oh, and Paul Ryan ask for the Congressional Clergy's resignation.

And he gave it. they are firing Clergy.

Go figure.

But politically, it is a beautiful day in the neighborhood...and several more have tendered their resignations before Midterms.

The Big Blue Wave is coming and it is magnificent.

Bill Cosby finally got his come-uppance and was convicted in 3 of the sexual assault and drugging cases he was involved in.

He can be sentenced to 10 years per incident (although he will more likely serve them together) 

So I was thinking...

Trump has 19 allegations against him.

If we could get convictions on each and he was made to serve them back to back...well...let's just say the Trump problem might just sort itself...

There's a happy thought.

More Anon...