Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Week...Brenden's 8th Birthday and the Return of Gardening Season!

It appears that Spring has finally caught up with us in Indiana!
So happy!!!

And morels should be here early next week.

Birthday Fungi.

Hoping to start moving some of these should-be-outside but still-indoors-hiding plants to the patio.

Unfortunately, my pink Ranunculus isn't among their ranks. They are beautiful...but have a tendency to explode everywhere like fireworks when they are spent. You wake up and *poof* petals everywhere. So mine...when they reached their full bloom and before they had a chance to make a real mess inside...were shuffled off to the bin bag.

My Wisteria in the corner and its numerous buds have just started to bloom. It will be so much happier outdoors with an arbor to climb.

Picked up Pink Peonies to containerize as well.

Started today with a knock at the door and Chris...with coffee and doughnuts! Does it get any better than that?

And I think he may be the computer guy version of a faith healer...just saying.

This morning when I started to log on to say Good Morning to everyone, check the news and my emails...


No sign of life from the box.

"It's Dead, Jim."

So, I had sat it aside and busied myself with other things.

While we were visiting and chatting I mentioned that I thought it might have given up the ghost.

He sat it on the table (laid hands on it?) Pushed the power button and


What the! are just that good.

Nice morning catch up and Tina stopped by later, as well.

Going to set up my Wireless Printer they bought me on Tuesday!

Have been in touch with Lennon (and to a lesser extent) Jill all week...after his grandmother fell breaking her hip badly.

Surgery and recovery went well and she will be in rehab for a couple of weeks until she is strong enough to go home.

If everything works well (and vacation time is granted) he will be joining us for our Family Saturday After Thanksgiving Gathering this year.

James and Nicole and the grand-munchkins are fine. Getting ready for Brenden's 8th Birthday tomorrow!

And his Grammy Rachel, Preston and Family are celebrating with him at James' today!

They have also got another NEW member of the family.

Meet Gus (...named after the fat mouse on Cinderella...)

Gus is Georgia's Brother...and also a Pocket Bully.

Poor Denver must be thinking

"Oh Dear has multiplied!"

He is beautiful and made himself a well-loved member of the household already!

Hoping to meet him soon, myself!

The news this week? 

Like RATS jumping off a sinking ship.

Will Cohen turn? Probably, depends on how much prison time he faces.
Less that 5 years...probably not.

More than that...Miz Cleo says the man will turn on his own mama.

We'll see.

And in the category of desperately attempting to stay relevant: Rudy Guiliani has signed on at Trump's Attorney.



We are definitely going to need more popcorn.

The GOP is finally catching up with the rest of us and realized the Midterms are looking pretty bleak for Ye Olde Elephant.

And MAGA apparently stands for

My Attorney Got Arrested.

Who knew?

                    "No...I've no idea how this happen or what to do now..."

The Book this Week:

The very best Spring Cleaning (or minimizing...or anytime cleaning) book I have seen to date. The concept behind "death-cleaning" being to pare down and minimize so that those left behind don't have your mess to deal with...once you are gone. Although, as the author points out...this can be done at 30...or at her age which she places as "somewhere between 80 and 100"!

Magnusson writes with a voice like a gentle chiding grandmother...if your grandmother happened to be:

1. Swedish

2. Have a wicked sense of humor.

Can't say enough good things about this book...and recently bought a roll of hefty bags to start!

( is amazing how many things you collect...hoard...clutter and attract in a short period of time...)

The Movie this Week: 

And maybe a disclaimer to begin. Horror films are NOT my genre. I enjoy a Stephen King once in a while, but for the most part...I'll pass.

Despite that...I gave this a watch. I like Emily Blunt...and the trailer looked interesting. The concept was new. Like the T-Rex that hunts you by motion...this horrible beastie...or several of them...hunted only by sound.

It was only 90 minutes.

How bad could it be?

There were suspenseful moments. But all in all...if it had been 95 minutes...I would have cheerfully turned it off. 

By an hour in I was completely rooting for the Crab-like Monsters (who weren't at all scary) and wanted everyone to find a large bag of Doritos...and not those lady-like "no crunch" ones, either.

"Yes...kill them all...let's put an end to this thing."

If you decide to waste your $$ in the have been warned.

Lastly, a site you have to check out!

 This is just an example of a shower curtain they have...but they've EVERYTHING.

 It is just amazing.

Catch everyone next week!

Earth Day Addendum:

Clipped my nails short and spent a great deal of Earth Day outside playing in the soon-to-be plants and soil.

First "dirt-neath-my-fingernails" day of the season.

Took the rest of my forced bulbs from the fridge (now sprouted) and tucked them in the trough with my newly made compost. Muscaris and Mini Daffodils, and was amazed to find that some of my outdoor border bulbs actually made it through the heavy rains, snow and cold.

The ornamental pear trees lining the drive as you enter the apartments have suddenly burst into bloom.

The Wisteria buds have started opening, too!

It is 66 today, but they still have one 34 degree night forecast mid-week, so
I'm keeping her inside just a little longer.